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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Game you would like to see remade and how you would like to see it?

darthdevidem01 said:
FF6 & FF7.........FF6 on wii but FF7 on PS3

 I can't see the benefit of FF6 being on the Wii over PS3.  (Unless it was via virtual console)

Not counting sales reasons of course.  Which I assume you aren't counting since you mention FF7 on PS3.

Personally, i'm against remakes unless something was done so agregiously wrong with the first game that it was to the point of where it was broken.

So really.... maybe FF2... just to fix the level up system.

Or FF7.  FF2's graphics were more pleasing then 7's.

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Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for Wii. Full graphical revamp, orchastrated score, larger, lilttle more complex enviroments. 

Then all my dreams would come true :D


Or a pokemon Gold/Silver Ds remake.

kingofwale said:
I am going to say Chrono Cross/Trigger, remade for PS3.

Oooh a Chrono Cross remake would be good too... all they would have to do is update the graphics, change the gameplay and change the story so it makes sense with chrono trigger.

In otherwords... make a completely different game and pretend it was Chrono Cross the whole time. 

I don't think game remakes should generally be done, at least not very often. Sometimes a game is a masterpiece for it's generation and should just be left that way.

However, every once in a while, a new generation really needs to experience some of the old games. The games that made gaming what it is today.

For example, I was born during the NES era (1986), and I never had a console until the SNES days. I missed out on some things. But I got to play Metroid through the Zero remake, and FF1 and 2 on the GBA. I probably would not have been able to enjoy those games in their original forms, since I'm too accustomed to better graphics and more advanced interface and storytelling and such.

So, I don't think games should be remade to cash in on a large fan base, but rather to give a newer generation of gamers a chance to enjoy old classics.

Banjo Kazooie Remix... only for xobx 360! And HD version of the orignal games, but this time stop and swap is included! Beat both games, and you get an 1 additional world in both games! :D

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Also a PSP remake of Tactics Ogre please!

I want to see:

Chrono Trigger (always hear about the game but never played it)
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII

And I would like to see Sega actually revise and take Sonic back to the roots of side-scrolling 2-D adventures.

Resident Evil 2 (REmake style)

Star Wars: Dark Forces

Theme Hospital

Monkey Island 1-2

Full remake and retcon of Metal Gear and Metal Gear:Solid Snake. For of course seeing it in 3D and to fix the conflicting plots.


And I would like Shenmue to be finished......... Oh this isn't the are you exetremely high and mental thread =/. 

Hmmz their are so many games I would love to see a remake from..

But I go with one.


Story of Thor/Beyond Oasis:

Just put up some extra's in the game and put it on DS.