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I don't think game remakes should generally be done, at least not very often. Sometimes a game is a masterpiece for it's generation and should just be left that way.

However, every once in a while, a new generation really needs to experience some of the old games. The games that made gaming what it is today.

For example, I was born during the NES era (1986), and I never had a console until the SNES days. I missed out on some things. But I got to play Metroid through the Zero remake, and FF1 and 2 on the GBA. I probably would not have been able to enjoy those games in their original forms, since I'm too accustomed to better graphics and more advanced interface and storytelling and such.

So, I don't think games should be remade to cash in on a large fan base, but rather to give a newer generation of gamers a chance to enjoy old classics.