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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Game you would like to see remade and how you would like to see it?

International Superstar Soccer '98

It's a football game, and in a way it has been remade, but no other games have had the realism this game had. The players do exactly what you want, the AI isn't moronic, and the stamina system is great.

The '00 and '02 versions are not nearly as good as this one.

ISsS98 is the best football video game ever created. That's a fact. (Well, not really. Ok, not at all.)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Max Payne remake for the HD consoles :D:D

Commander Keen. I've been wanting a remake of it ever since VGA cards came out.

I would love to see FFVII remade. I'll play the original eventually but I would still love a remake

Super Mario RPG remake for the DS, please.

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I'd like to see Link's awakening remade for the DS. I always felt the only thing missing was higher production values.

djs said:
Silent Hill of PSX for PS3!!!
Horror to the people...

100% agreed! I wish that Konami would remake the first Silent Hill. The first Silent Hill was great. Now a days it is hard to play because the graphics make me crinch. It was awesome for it's time but it's going to be ten years next year.


Please Konami remake it. 

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Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

Metal Gear and Metal gear 2... NES classics remade in 3D for the people who missed the story before Metal Gear Solid!

Resident Evil 2 and 3 for Wii in one package
2D Metroid 2: Return of Samus for DS

Super Smash Bros and the Legend of Zelda Ocarina for the DS. The DS can render more polygons better textures (look at the coins and character models in Super Mario 64)