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Forums - General Discussion - do you have left and right socks

i somtimes wear only some socks on each of my feet because as a sock evolves it sorta only wants to fit one of your feet

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Funny question, but I don't understand your post.

(Now I already replied in two of your threads )


I know what you mean, as they get stoffer they sorta mould round ur feet, but I dont cos thatd be strange ;).

Yes. Some of them have images on them on one(opposite) side of each, making a left and a right sock.

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Yes. I think.......

I always wear two different colors socks.

How did I miss a thread about socks.


I too sometimes wear purposely odd socks.

I have a multicoloured stripey pair that go over my knees too, but it's a bit warm to wear them in summer.

Man, I don't even notice it when I wear a set of a different pair on each feet, let alone that I notice the subtle differences between left and right of a piece of cotton.

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Nope. I bought about 20 pairs of the same sock, and I never have to match them ever! Ahahahaha!!!!