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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Finally a USB Hard Drive for Wii?!?!?!?!?!

sc94597 said:
blazinhead89 said:
Thinking of gettin a Wii, but not until a lot of RPGs are realeased. any1 have realease dates?

 Tales of symphonia comes november toi the U>S. The rest are unknown, but will most likely be announced at E3 or TGS. 

cool, cool i'll probably wait till 09 ( hopefully theres a price cut by then as well)

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J-Favs said:
Why dosn't a 3rd party company make a hard drive? They seem to have made things for just about everything else you need for the Wii.

i dont think it will work because nintendo hasn't enabled the wii to support hard drives

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

This is the third time someone gave me false hope regarding this.

This is NOT, I repeat, NOT a job posting for a USB hard-drive. It could be anything, and we all know a hard-drive at this time is not going to happen. Don't let yourself in for a disappointment!

What else could it be that utilizes the usb? Also this happens right after Iwata says they will look into it. I say chances are it is a hard drive.

Nah, theyr blatantly making one of these things.

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I think that maybe they are considering an USB wireless headset.

^Click on cards to level'em up!!!^ =D

Daileon said:
I think that maybe they are considering an USB wireless headset.

 Why not just open the bluetooth for wireless headset use?

Daileon said:
I think that maybe they are considering an USB wireless headset.

 am i am mistaken or doesn't the wii has bluetooth?

Just_Ben said:
Daileon said:
I think that maybe they are considering an USB wireless headset.

 am i am mistaken or doesn't the wii has bluetooth?

yeah the controls are supposed the be connected via bluetooth

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

damn it Tao you gave me hope with the title then crushed it when I read the article -_- . on another note Radioshack is having a sale on scandisk flashdrives right now bought a 2gb for $17.99 yesterday. They have 8gb ones for $39.99 too.