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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The World Ends With You Gotta-collect-em-all

This will go great with the Wiki page I use.

GF is currently at 209hrs with 100% of storyline complete, 100% Special Reports, but still has 88.8% of the pins.

She is a fairly new gamer so that means this game = GREATNESS!!

I recommend anyone who plays it to get screen guards though, her touchscreen is way off center now, unable to recenter it through calibration... she murdered it, lol. She needs to get a new DS in time for FF IV.

Thanks a ton for the post. :)

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The World Ends With You

is an RPG, with the kind of story that rivals Final Fantasy Tactics (PS)

It's the perfect game (RPG)

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

there's also which has several different tables, charts, etc. of all the different pins.

I am almost to 100% items (not that hard, I just need to farm one more pin then I'll be at 100, I am just too lazy and got re-distracted by Okami), only at about 80% pins (these are harder, especially because shutdown PP doesn't accumulate very quickly).

I still love this game though. like woah.

Please, PLEASE do NOT feed the trolls.
fksumot tag: "Sheik had to become a man to be useful. Or less useful. Might depend if you're bi."

1) WiiFit will outsell the pokemans.
  Current Status: 2009.01.10 70k till PKMN Yellow (Passed: Emerald, Crystal, FR/LG)

Yeah... I still play it daily. IMO the best Square-Enix developed game since FFIX. It far surpasses the KH games the devs had made before.

alpha_dk said:

I used that too. But I find it requiring way too many clicks to jump to what I need to look for.

The answer to that is to create what I needed. I think I like this game a little too much. LOL.

Next up, I'll be adding shoppable items.

And those trade only pins, that's going to be a pain to collect. 

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There's now,
- Noise list
- Pin List
- Item List
- Shop List

Still need to connect the Noise List to the rest of the other lists.
I thought there wouldn't be so much work getting them together.
There are still little bits of info missing here and there, but mostly complete.

My problem with this game, is that the blue noises (boss ones)are way too hard to beat on hard. That kind of wrecks it for me, after finishing the story-line of course.

The game is the best on the DS definately IMO.

Also, what is mingle mode? I never found out what it is (and no sites seem to tell me how to mingle, just benefits)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Mingle allows you to connect to other TWEWY players. When you start mingle, you are allowed to put 1 item up. Be careful though, you could put items that are only "drop-once" for the whole game.

Blue is Battle PP
Green is Shut Down PP
Red is Mingle PP

I'll explain in details on what is what eventually. Damn game is bigger than I thought, lol.

Shop location(s) is now shown when viewing pin.
Some of the pins can only be bought at shops.

This thread deserves a new change at more posts. People need to buy this game.

The game is a lot longer than I thought. I did the game fast (compared to how I usually play), and used 25 hours on the main mission. Now I've been enjoying it even more, doing the side quests. My clock now tells me that I've played 45 hours, and I'm still not really started on gotta catch'em all!

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS