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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Wii without Nintendo

Hephaestos said:
Nintendo is the only company that could have done it.

Sega maybe if they had this as their comeback console.

I don't see the other companies as inventive enough to make this system and the games that work for it on their own.

In my opinion a motion controller and iterations of games used for generations isn't something out of the capabilities of companies such as Sega , Apple(not so true about the games part) and possibly Sony .

It wasn't so much Nintendo's "creativness" or "inventivness" as many put it , that enabled Nintendo to perform so well this generation because much of the hardware /software had already existed in some form (Super Mario Galaxy , Super Smash Bros Melee , PS1 Motion sensing controler etc) but it was how Nintendo marketed and sold the package to the public that really made the difference.

Another forum member pointed out (can't remember who) many Wii adverts place as much emphasis on the people playing (and how they are playing , using unnesacery hand/body movements etc to make the game apear more immersive or what ever) the game as they do on the game itself (this is psycologicaly effective , pretty smart ) . The marketing/promotion on Nintendo's side is pretty smart I admit but I don't think it's something that coudln't have been done equally well or possibly even better.


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except maybe if it was sony (which trust me i am happy it isn't) because of god of war



Many of you are missing the point. There is no way that Sony or MS would have had the vision, imagination and guts to make such a radical departure. It was not all clever marketing. Most people on this forum, are used to, capable of using and mostly prefer hand controllers so you don't have a clue how many Wii owners (myself included) would be non-gamers or ex-gamers if the old fashioned analog hand controller was the only option. Motion controls aren’t a gimmick to me, they’re the only reason I still am playing.

Over my twenty plus year gaming career I graduated from wishing they were better to cursing them to finding them intolerable. It's like playing a piccolo while trying to pay attention to action on the screen. At 20 I tolerated it; at sixty it is very difficult and takes all the pleasure out of gaming.

Would Sony have made this leap - no way in hell and MS even less.

You know, if Sony created the Wii, it would probably be more popular, because of how popular the PS2 was.