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Many of you are missing the point. There is no way that Sony or MS would have had the vision, imagination and guts to make such a radical departure. It was not all clever marketing. Most people on this forum, are used to, capable of using and mostly prefer hand controllers so you don't have a clue how many Wii owners (myself included) would be non-gamers or ex-gamers if the old fashioned analog hand controller was the only option. Motion controls aren’t a gimmick to me, they’re the only reason I still am playing.

Over my twenty plus year gaming career I graduated from wishing they were better to cursing them to finding them intolerable. It's like playing a piccolo while trying to pay attention to action on the screen. At 20 I tolerated it; at sixty it is very difficult and takes all the pleasure out of gaming.

Would Sony have made this leap - no way in hell and MS even less.