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Forums - General Discussion - Why is daactualfact not banned?

Why don't other mods help ssj is he the guy who gets his hands dirty while the others chill and party with their pants down?

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ctk495 said:
Why don't other mods help ssj is he the guy who gets his hands dirty while the others chill and party with their pants down?

 because they are used to me doing the dirty work no matter if its banning someone popular for being a troll, they expect me to take the heat. I;m used to it. This is why a ton of people here consider me the devil mod of VGC.

But really Naz and Montana has been a big help. Honestly i only banned like 15 people, they handled the rest. lol

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So the mods are going to have to re ban everyone? That sucks.

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ssj12 said:
ctk495 said:
Why don't other mods help ssj is he the guy who gets his hands dirty while the others chill and party with their pants down?

because they are used to me doing the dirty work no matter if its banning someone popular for being a troll, they expect me to take the heat. I;m used to it. This is why a ton of people here consider me the devil mod of VGC.

But really Naz and Montana has been a big help. Honestly i only banned like 15 people, they handled the rest. lol

 This is completely false.  We have our reasons...and they have nothing to do with you giving out those most bans. 

ssj12 said:
ctk495 said:
Why don't other mods help ssj is he the guy who gets his hands dirty while the others chill and party with their pants down?

because they are used to me doing the dirty work no matter if its banning someone popular for being a troll, they expect me to take the heat. I;m used to it. This is why a ton of people here consider me the devil mod of VGC.

But really Naz and Montana has been a big help. Honestly i only banned like 15 people, they handled the rest. lol

 We consider you the devil mod because of that entire apocolypse and end of the world thing. Sure you say it was an accident and you didn't mean to damn humanity, but how can we trust you now?

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I haven't done anything today, although I do ban a lot of people. I'd just wait for an update from ioi instead of re-banning 900 people.



super_etecoon said:
ssj12 said:
ctk495 said:
Why don't other mods help ssj is he the guy who gets his hands dirty while the others chill and party with their pants down?

because they are used to me doing the dirty work no matter if its banning someone popular for being a troll, they expect me to take the heat. I;m used to it. This is why a ton of people here consider me the devil mod of VGC.

But really Naz and Montana has been a big help. Honestly i only banned like 15 people, they handled the rest. lol

 This is completely false.  We have our reasons...and they have nothing to do with you giving out those most bans. 

I quite concur.

I was really hoping to see Gballzack unbanned though just to see if she'd reappear for a little while.  That would be highly entertaining. 

i thought you wernt allowed to make threads abotu otehr members? i made one on leo j leaving and it got locked....


It has nothing to do with daactualfact it is about the banned members and the glicth he is just an example.

^ O rofl sorry man now I get it.