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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tokyo's Metal Gear Solid Events Cancelled

ils411 said:
he shouldnt be given the death penalty.

 Nah it will only cost money then...The family members of those who have died will not feel safe too...

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OK what's next?  -_-


I only hopes that this don't affect the sales,or even the hype,bad thing. 

OT7 said:

OK what's next?  -_-


I only hopes that this don't affect the sales,or even the hype,bad thing. 

 Nah the Japanese almost didn't cared what happened.

Some of them were just video taping what happened others just stand there to be on tv others just were were walking pass it without giving it attention and their were also people like the the guy in the left playing on their PSP:

I don't see how this helps. The guy wanted to die, it's just a crazy guy that had nothing to live for. There was another one in ibaraki a couple months ago with the xbox fan, but these aren't really preventable crimes. To be harsh these guys have no lives, they are lonely and empty inside trying to fill the holes with fake anime women, action figures, and video games.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

^ You are talking now about a big part of the population lol..

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SCEJ working their magic i see.




Bored4life said:
Terrorist Kato:1
Konami: 0


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"