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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - ZOMG! DMeisterJ owns a Wii!!!!!

Galaxy is so much better than both Kart and Brawl, don't listen to --OkeyDokey--!!


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So I guess you bought the Wii a day before you buy your PS3.
DMeisterJ will buy a PS3 on the launch day of MGS 4, June 12 - tomorrow.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Screw Galaxy and Kart, Brawl should be the first game you buy.

Then you can finally be a real gamer ;)

Kart and Brawl are great party and online games. Galaxy is a good single player and co-opplatformer. All three: Galaxy, Brawl and Kart are brilliant games. Get MP3 and Wii Fit and you will have 5 great Wii games along with Wii Sports and Wii Play. 7 games all up.

Now I can stop low-balling my Wii predictions!

BengaBenga said:
Soooo, let me analyse this:

One of the biggest PS3 fanboys on this forum has a Wii60, but no PS3?!?


That's brilliant! Congrats on your purchase, you'll love it!

It truly boggles the mind, doesn't it?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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I would get Mario Kart before Brawl. Both are great and must buys, but Mario Kart's online is too good :)

Riot Of The Blood said:
Hope you don't turn into a Nintendo loving idiot like the rest of the forum.

Didn't we go over this?  No posting outside the SSBB threads for you.  Bad Riot!

*~Onna76~* said:

Frank, knock it off with the Blame WII Fit already, the guy didn't even get WII Fit

Ah, my theory is that there are Wiis in stores because of the release of Wii Fit. Nintendo flooding the channels and all that.

Cheebee said:
Lol, you make it sound as if TP isn't a decent game. :p

 No he doesn't--he clearly says that he BORROWED TP because he couldn't afford a decent game.


BTW--get Mario Kart Wii ASAP!  I just got it, and it rocks! 

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
Words Of Wisdom said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
Hope you don't turn into a Nintendo loving idiot like the rest of the forum.

Didn't we go over this?  No posting outside the SSBB threads for you.  Bad Riot!


I told him to.

@ Soriku

I'll add you, mine is in my sig.