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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The official "I am excited to be a X360 owner and enjoy RPGs" Thread

Very excited to see if this JRPG marketing blitz works..

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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starcraft said:
smbu2000 said:

Wow, I was pretty surprised at how quickly they had promotional materials up for the recently announced RPG fest on the 360 when I walked into this Electronics/Game store. Didn't they just have the PR stuff/announcements yesterday? I'm pretty sure all of this stuff about the RPGs wasn't on the 360 display when I went to the store a few days ago. Good stuff, hopefully this convinces more people to buy 360's, hehe. :D

first picture, Last Remnant Trailer playing on the tv and ToV posters hanging.

2nd picture, information/pictures about Last Remnant, SO4, ToV and IU.



Yeah, Actually that's one of the few places I've seen that have a pretty big 360 display up here. My pics got cut off by the forum, but if you click the link you can see more. There are 2 xbox 360 stations there on the right where you can play 360 games (they had the new DBZ game and I'm not sure what else?ATM) and next to that 2 racks full of 360 games and accessories, which is nice(for JP) :)

I was just surprised at how quickly they had advertising up for the rpgs, so soon after that conference. I'm pretty sure they just had DBZ stuff there the other day (not really any NG2 stuff if I remember correctly) 

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

There's another Atlus game coming Zoid something. I think it's more like tactical rpg akin to FF Tactics type of game.

Some info on 360fanboys site.

Anyway, I am glad for all the rpg 360 is getting.

That display looks awesome. I too am a 360 owner in rpg bliss :D

MS is really fighting hard to bring diversity to their game lineup, and I hope it works for them. In particular, lets hope having all these top titles will bring in the smaller titles and me-too third party developers.

lol, my 360 has Mario wallpaper for my custom theme. Now I think I might change it to that ToV bundle, it's that cool looking. Next best thing to hentai, which is what would be on there if I didn't play splitscreen CoD4 all the time, lol.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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I'm not a fan of JRPGs anymore so most of the recent announcements there don't mean anything to me. I do love WRPGs though. While there aren't as many of them coming out. I can't wait for Fable 2 and the next Mass Effect (however far in the future that is). I'm following Fallout 3 to see if Bethesda does butcher it the way I think they will. Keep in mind, I liked Oblivion (not loved), but I don't want to see Fallout 3 be in the same design scheme.

I give this thread a 9.7.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

new kindom under fire! not a spinoff the real one

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

Hello, I am a new user here and I really love my 360 and some rpg:s on it. I have played LO,ME and oblivion. They were all great.

I own Blue dragon and eternal sonata too, but somehow I just dislike them. My gf likes them both... weird. :) Now I need some rgp:s to play, so is there any games you would recommend? :)



Sorry if this post was a bit offtopic.