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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How many PS2s are in the wild?

Not sold but being used as a functioning console. The site says 117m sold but how many are broken or are not being used due to next(current) gen purchases?

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Well then you should ask every PS2 owner to know.

I tried that but it got to teatime and I had to stop. Through my research so far there are 4 PS2s in active use today.

I still use my PS2 and I think I am playing more on my PS2 than my other systems combined.

It varies by region, but I mean I know people who still play NES, 2600, Genesis, SNES, PS1, PS2, religiously.

Probably something like 30 million+ people still use their PS2 for a few hours per week. 

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20 million. Fact.

I still play mine. I don't know how many are in the wild but I saw a pack of them foraging on a conservation area near my home :P

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i have gone through at least 4 ps2, not including my brothers ps2. i dont use any ps2 at all now, me older bro has a ps2 and he plays it religiously

At this very moment, I have 0 consoles hooked up to my TV. Though PS2 is hooked up to my second TV. Near-launch console that has never broke.

I'm assuming that the guy who bought my PS2 from the dude who stole it still plays it.

Either that, or he sold it for crack as well, in a never ending cycle of black markets and white rocks.