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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So many JRPG fans on VGChartz?

konnichiwa said:
Hmmm we should make a list of all good PS2 RPG's =p;... I am scared I missed some to;..I know I still need to buy Roque Galaxy.

Rogue Galaxy is not P3 but it definitely hold its own. Tons of weapons in that game! I'm actually looking foward to P4 more than all the nex-gen RPGs except FFXIII. Did you ever play Magna Carta? I couldn't understand what the hell was going on in that game. I couldn't even determine whether the main character was male or female

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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for those talking about Atlus games like persona 3, and how they sell bad.....keep in mind, that much like Phoenix Wright the demand was kind of untapped b/c of small sales of other megaten games and I don't think atlus shipped much more than a few hundred thousand copies. we never got a chance to order it at the retail store I work at b/c it was already discontinued from almost day 1.

Riachu said:
darthdevidem01 said:
@relias the past few days I've realized I'm actually not a hardcore JRPG fan.

I have always been FF, Pokemon & DQ..

 I am not a hardcore JRPG fan though I enjoy the ones I play.

It's basically Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts with a small dose of Star Ocean.  I also play Lost Odyssey. 

 Yeh, I would say I am about the same as you, though I will try some other SE games, such as IU and tLR, but basically the only jRPGs I have played yet are FFs, KH s and SO3

@ zero, XIII has been under development for a while, but the change from N64 to PS1 happened before development was properly under way

zero129 said:
shanbcn said:

This is what 1up have to say about the event,

I firmly believe that, despite Sony's parade of "we don't pay for exclusives" comments over the years, that they have firmly supported S-E in the development of FFXIII (and it's ilk) in order to retain console exclusivity. I'd be very surprised if that changed. I think S-E is content to let tri-Ace do the heavy lifting in supporting the 360 with its content, and I was pretty underwhelmed by the 'RPG conference' as a whole. No real surprises. I mean, I love tri-Ace, and think these announcements are great, but it felt like the 360 got the B-team, while the A-team are free to frolic away on the PS3. Just my two cents.


So true So4 and LR will come to PS3 but what about games which S-E best teams are making? They will never port it to 360.


Im sure that alot of old time Nintendo fans said the same thing about Squaresoft (Name back then) back in the N64 days. Such as "Square have been with Nintendo for too long, they are loyal to Nintendo" "PS1 will never see an Final fantasy game, never mind Final Fantasy 7" "Nintendo will do all they can to keep Final Fantasy 7 on N64". And where did FF7 end up going??. So its always a good idea never to say never as im sure alot of old time Nintendo fans (Me being one of them) know all too well anything can happen. and i really believe that FF13 will go multi platform.

 PS1 was the best selling system of that time and only PS2 beat it latter on. Good luck with getting any future FF on 360 let alone FF13 & FFv13.

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spdk1 said:
for those talking about Atlus games like persona 3, and how they sell bad.....keep in mind, that much like Phoenix Wright the demand was kind of untapped b/c of small sales of other megaten games and I don't think atlus shipped much more than a few hundred thousand copies. we never got a chance to order it at the retail store I work at b/c it was already discontinued from almost day 1.


Thats definitely an issue with Atlus. however I still don't see those games reaching 0.5 mil WW thats why I can't understand these new found tears for RPGs. I guess people don't realize what they have till they've lost it. So many posters are praising SO3 which sucks compared to any SMT (excluding devill summoner). This shows that they don't really know any RPGs. They just ride on the S-E hype.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Riachu said:
Slimebeast said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Well it would still sell triple the amount of what their gonna sell on 360

Lies. All the RPGs on the X360 have massively outsold RPGs for the PS3.

RPGs on the X360 sell. RPGs on the PS3 do not.

The RPGs out on the PS3 aren't high profile releases. That title belongs to games like FFXIII and WKC


 Whats that, sorry i am not good with RPG's



Sicilian. said:
Riachu said:
Slimebeast said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Well it would still sell triple the amount of what their gonna sell on 360

Lies. All the RPGs on the X360 have massively outsold RPGs for the PS3.

RPGs on the X360 sell. RPGs on the PS3 do not.

The RPGs out on the PS3 aren't high profile releases. That title belongs to games like FFXIII and WKC


Whats that, sorry i am not good with RPG's

White Knight Chronicles, you know, the one being made by Level 5


Pristine20 said:
spdk1 said:
for those talking about Atlus games like persona 3, and how they sell bad.....keep in mind, that much like Phoenix Wright the demand was kind of untapped b/c of small sales of other megaten games and I don't think atlus shipped much more than a few hundred thousand copies. we never got a chance to order it at the retail store I work at b/c it was already discontinued from almost day 1.


Thats definitely an issue with Atlus. however I still don't see those games reaching 0.5 mil WW thats why I can't understand these new found tears for RPGs. I guess people don't realize what they have till they've lost it. So many posters are praising SO3 which sucks compared to any SMT (excluding devill summoner). This shows that they don't really know any RPGs. They just ride on the S-E hype.
There are just as many people who bash SO3 as there are that praise SO3.  I liked SO3 even though it has quite a few flaws.  If I ever get the chance to,  I will try Persona 3 FES as I heard it was awesome


Riachu said:
Sicilian. said:
Riachu said:
Slimebeast said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Well it would still sell triple the amount of what their gonna sell on 360

Lies. All the RPGs on the X360 have massively outsold RPGs for the PS3.

RPGs on the X360 sell. RPGs on the PS3 do not.

The RPGs out on the PS3 aren't high profile releases. That title belongs to games like FFXIII and WKC


Whats that, sorry i am not good with RPG's

White Knight Chronicles, you know, the one being made by Level 5


 Wow that looks great....So just so i know what other RPG's is PS3's still getting?


White Knight Chronicles

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy Versus XIII