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Forums - General Discussion - Scrubs Or Family Guy. Which Do You Prefer?

Scrubs, one of the best sitcoms in existence.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned The Office (US), it owns all aforementioned shows.
EDIT: Oh, throw Flight of the Conchords up there too.

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Ummm, Family guy by quite some way. It actually has jokes. I've seen every episode of scrubs, it's good to have on in the backgrounds but it is a sitcom without jokes. It's just a light hearted show, that's all.

i never used to watch Scrubs so i would have said Family Guy but after 1 week of Scrubs i say Scrubs is far better

Snesboy said:
Fernando said:

I prefer Scrubs...


But right now, my favorite sitcom is Big Bang Theory. Is extremely funny. Specially for us geeks and gamers. Sheldon is very funny.





Sums up my position completely.

The science is spot-on, and the comedy is genuine and funny.