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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Last Remnant Todays NEW Trailer

Looks as though the PS3 version will come after the 360 version. As it only states 360 this December. It's funny with these new trailers and the great RPG's we have had already, I have forgotten all about FF.


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Once again looks really nice, though I would still like to understand how the battle system works as I have not worked it out yet

^Yeah Id like to read a hands on about the battle system. Looks gr8 though.

Funny how there is a lot less interest in this game than SO 4, almost none in this one

Anyway, the battle system looks as though there is like a list of commands, similar to what the theorised XIII one is going to be like, so maybe this is just a test gameplay system for XIII? Though the idea of this is that you take part in large scale battles, not just a small party taking on some fiends

Munkeh111 said:
Funny how there is a lot less interest in this game than SO 4, almost none in this one

Anyway, the battle system looks as though there is like a list of commands, similar to what the theorised XIII one is going to be like, so maybe this is just a test gameplay system for XIII? Though the idea of this is that you take part in large scale battles, not just a small party taking on some fiends
Star Ocean is an established franchise and TLR is a new IP, of course there is less interest


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I swear I don't think I will by something other then a RPG until mid 2009 by this rate!

Former something....

Man there is a lot of activity on the Microsoft boards today(Comparatively speaking of course).

SO4 looks awesome too, better than the Last Remnant in every way . Another reason why all the interest goes to SO4.

Riachu said:
Munkeh111 said:
Funny how there is a lot less interest in this game than SO 4, almost none in this one

Anyway, the battle system looks as though there is like a list of commands, similar to what the theorised XIII one is going to be like, so maybe this is just a test gameplay system for XIII? Though the idea of this is that you take part in large scale battles, not just a small party taking on some fiends
Star Ocean is an established franchise and TLR is a new IP, of course there is less interest


 Yes, but there is absolutely no interest in a brand new franchise, I though people wanted SE to move away from just FF games

Munkeh111 said:
Riachu said:
Munkeh111 said:
Funny how there is a lot less interest in this game than SO 4, almost none in this one

Anyway, the battle system looks as though there is like a list of commands, similar to what the theorised XIII one is going to be like, so maybe this is just a test gameplay system for XIII? Though the idea of this is that you take part in large scale battles, not just a small party taking on some fiends
Star Ocean is an established franchise and TLR is a new IP, of course there is less interest


Yes, but there is absolutely no interest in a brand new franchise, I though people wanted SE to move away from just FF games

Hate to break it to you but the only reason why people want SE to move away from doing just FF is because they want them to make a sequel to Chrono Trigger/Cross instead