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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Will the support of Sqaure-Enix have major impact on the 360userbase in JP?

No, the games will have little affect on the Japenese market. I, however, love the fact that the games are coming to 360. Lost Odyssey was pretty good and the new batch coming along look even better.

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thibje said:
Square enix will be releasing 2 major RPG's for the 360 between now and six months.
Namco Bandai will release Tales of Vesperia in August.
Star Ocean is comming to the 360.
More Western-Rpgs heading to Japan.

What impact do you think that these facts will have on the 360 userbase ?

Honestly I think that the Microsoft RPG's will have a minimal long impact. Essentially I think much like when BlueDragon came to the 360 their was a brief jump in 360 sales. But even during that brief jump Microsoft failed to over take any of its competitors. It was the high spot in Microsoft's 360 Japanese line up, but even that failed to yeild any permanent gains!

What will happen?

The 360 will recieve a temporary boost in sales every time a succesful RPG launches in Japan. However over a few weeks Microsoft will see their market share drop back to normal. A huge title like MonsterHunter or FinalFantasy being released exclusively in Japan will be the only saviour to Microsoft's dying console.
These temporary boosts will definatly help Microsoft out but they won't save the 360 from its fate. The fate to die under supported in Japan just like every other western console has. 360 will make probubly bigger gains in North America from those RPG's launches then they will in Japan. What does Microsoft need to win Japan?-Monster Hunter exclusive title-FinalFantasy 14-BlueDragon2 exclusive-DeathNote,Bleach, Gundam exclusive titles-RE6 exclusively on 360-Banjo Kazooie (not Nuts and Bults) Microsoft needs Japanese developed super powers to garner any support in the nation. BlueDragon got some boosts but Microsoft needs established names supporting its platforms! Also some good platforming games could also boost Microsofts showing in the japanese market place!



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Dno said:
@ Legend
not one of those games will sell more then 200k lifetime in japan. each can sell almost a mil n ps3.

After this run fails there will be no more JRPGS to fund lol.
Sorry, but you believe that it will have an attach rate of  around 50%? Um sorry, but the ps3 isn;t selling too well in japan either.


I fail to see how so many people assume that these announcements has much to do with MS trying to gain sizable rep in Japan. I believe Microsoft's effort in gaining JRPG games will have a much better effect in worldwide numbers and worldwide perception. The general view of the 360 has always been the "FPS console", with these games added to the library, it'll broaden the variety and appeal towards the audience thats interested in the 360. Racial barriers not included.

There is no way a JRPG would sell 1 million copies on a userbase of 2 million. Its just not going to happen. The 360 has two things going for it. 1: much larger userbase WW 2: Monetary support from microsoft. If the games are subsidized by MS and they sell say 200k copies in Japan (and the ps3 version sells like 400k or so) and have the edge WW its quite possible that the xbox game will make more money.

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Godot said:
Kyros said:
bah the only thing Microsoft is doing is pulling Sony down with them in Japan. The 360 is dead in Japan. If all of the 360s JRPGs would come to the Ps3 it would have a chance of putting up some competition against the Wii. I really do not know why Japanese(targeted) developers develop for the 360 anymore. Masochism or really fat checks from MS I suspect.

Yes it's true and even worst, I think that Japanese developers are starting to alienate their consumers by whoring out to the western corporation.

I'm confused.  Isn't business business?  Or is business "whoring out" when you're successful and you partner with a Western corporation?  Or is that just a phrase fanboys use when they're pissed about buying the wrong console, because all of the good JRPGs are on the Xbox 360 and not the PS3.

Well we all know that Xbox 360 won this generation with the most JRPG support. It's well obivious looking at how:

Blue Dragon
Eternal Sonata
Lost Odyssey
Tales of Vesperia
The Last Remnant
Star Ocean 4
Enchanted Arms

and several more that I probably forgot. The PS3 doesn't have any JRPG's at the moment. It has some planned but they have not release yet which makes the X360 the primary eye-popping console for JRPlayers alike.

So it's good to see Microsoft actually stride their way into the Japanese. I mean they have sold 600k in Japan something they couldn't do with the original Xbox. So we see Microsoft will be successful next generation when they release the successor to the Xbox 360 :)

P.S. I need to get all these RPG's cause I'm rather being a selfish bastard not picking up or supporting the Japanese developers.

I need to get all those RPGs I listed above ASAP!!!

Golvellius said:
Dno said:
@ Legend
not one of those games will sell more then 200k lifetime in japan. each can sell almost a mil n ps3.

After this run fails there will be no more JRPGS to fund lol.

Be assured that there will.

As already mentioned by another poster, buying all these (timed) exclusives is supposed to prevent Sony from getting their ass against the wall in Japan. Even though it might not help the 360 in Japan, what it certainly does is prevent the PS3 from gaining momentum. Imagine what would happen if these games were PS3 exclusives instead of 360 exclusives (it would help the PS3 --> MS doesn't want this, so they're keeping those titles away from the PS3).

Also, do not underestimate the interest of western gamers in Japanese RPGs. Lost Odyssey for example might very well sell 1 million during its lifetime. If 1 million games are sold world-wide I wouldn't consider this a flop.

k then name a JRPG that has sold over 1 million in USA this gen then i will agree.

K then name a couple of 1st person shooters that have been over a million in the usa..... see the difference... With all these games 360 will still not sell as much as playstation this year so who really cares... last hope for 360 in JP and this is not going to work

I don't know, but it will have an impact on the 360's userbase in America.  Many of Sony's small, diehard JRPG followers in America are jumping ship and swimming over to MS's do I know that?  Just read the Playstation forums.  I was one of them.

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mrstickball said:
Dno said:
@ Legend
not one of those games will sell more then 200k lifetime in japan. each can sell almost a mil n ps3.

After this run fails there will be no more JRPGS to fund lol.


Your statement is rather fanboy-ish, and incredibly stupid, not based on any sort of reasonable logic or analysis.

 The Playstation 3 (if you haven't noticed) is doing very poorly in Japan. Not as bad as the 360, but still getting it's rear end handed to it on a silver platter. 0 Playstation 3 games have performed upto any sort of decent level of sales. So if this is the trend, then why are you randomly expecting given RPGs to sell well above the level of every other Playstation 3 game? 

Don't get me wrong, the PS3 version of a given RPG would sell better than the 360's version in Japan. But to assume that a game that'd do 200k on the 360, would do 1m on the PS3 is absolute garbage, and destroys the purpose of this website (after all, you didn't bother looking at PS3 sales before posting, did you?)


Lets take a look at Playstation 3 games, shall we?

Disgaea 2 (PS2): 150,000+ Units

Disgaea 3 (PS3): 105,209 Units (selling under 700/wk) 


Dynasty Warriors 5 (US Name): 910,000+ Units

Dynasty Warriors 6 (US Name): 410,000 Units


We could keep playing this game. Nevertheless, PS3 games aren't living up to PS2-like sales. So why should we randomly expect RPGs to sell at near-PS2 levels on the PS3? Won't happen.

Kingofwale - What would MS buy in Europe to make it compete better? The price drop has had a huge effect on the market, and has made Microsoft (somewhat) viable in the market..Methinks that MS should focus on Japan a little bit, and then drop the price in the US for a huge win.  

what game on 360 has sold more then the ps3 version in japan? DW5? nope. DMC4? nope

how is that fanboyish by saying a system that has CRAP sales (xbox) would have crap sales. if ps3 had those games it would sell much better then 360 in japan.

Your a fanboy if u think this will help them at all.......

O in your crazy sales quotes u didnt metion the games that came out for both consoles...... yea sony killed them.

ANd please STOP comparing ps3 to ps2 that the stupiest thing ive ever heard. point is PS3 sales FAR moregames in JAPAN then 360 and that will NOT change this whole gen....... that ill bet you on.


And if you want to compare sony ps2 is still selling far better then 360 in japan so that means EPIC fail.