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thibje said:
Square enix will be releasing 2 major RPG's for the 360 between now and six months.
Namco Bandai will release Tales of Vesperia in August.
Star Ocean is comming to the 360.
More Western-Rpgs heading to Japan.

What impact do you think that these facts will have on the 360 userbase ?

Honestly I think that the Microsoft RPG's will have a minimal long impact. Essentially I think much like when BlueDragon came to the 360 their was a brief jump in 360 sales. But even during that brief jump Microsoft failed to over take any of its competitors. It was the high spot in Microsoft's 360 Japanese line up, but even that failed to yeild any permanent gains!

What will happen?

The 360 will recieve a temporary boost in sales every time a succesful RPG launches in Japan. However over a few weeks Microsoft will see their market share drop back to normal. A huge title like MonsterHunter or FinalFantasy being released exclusively in Japan will be the only saviour to Microsoft's dying console.
These temporary boosts will definatly help Microsoft out but they won't save the 360 from its fate. The fate to die under supported in Japan just like every other western console has. 360 will make probubly bigger gains in North America from those RPG's launches then they will in Japan. What does Microsoft need to win Japan?-Monster Hunter exclusive title-FinalFantasy 14-BlueDragon2 exclusive-DeathNote,Bleach, Gundam exclusive titles-RE6 exclusively on 360-Banjo Kazooie (not Nuts and Bults) Microsoft needs Japanese developed super powers to garner any support in the nation. BlueDragon got some boosts but Microsoft needs established names supporting its platforms! Also some good platforming games could also boost Microsofts showing in the japanese market place!



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