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Forums - Gaming Discussion - ScrewAttack - Top 10 FPS Games Ever

Words Of Wisdom said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

On goldeneye remember the secret level with the metal jawed guy from Moonraker? You had to stop the rocket, and it was only for Very Hard mode or something? Man, that was an amazing game all around. Paintball guns ftw.

That was the level where you faced Jaws and you got the Moonraker lazer guns. Very fun despite the endless guards that came to try to kill you once you triggered the alarm.

Good God, I remember those alarms.

Hide in a corridor, grab a Moonraker, and prepare to fire a lot.

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rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

On goldeneye remember the secret level with the metal jawed guy from Moonraker? You had to stop the rocket, and it was only for Very Hard mode or something? Man, that was an amazing game all around. Paintball guns ftw.

That was the level where you faced Jaws and you got the Moonraker lazer guns. Very fun despite the endless guards that came to try to kill you once you triggered the alarm.

Good God, I remember those alarms.

Hide in a corridor, grab a Moonraker, and prepare to fire a lot.

Oh that only got you kill eventually... or, if you're like me, just really bored.  You needed to complete the level fast once those went off if you wanted to win.

Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

On goldeneye remember the secret level with the metal jawed guy from Moonraker? You had to stop the rocket, and it was only for Very Hard mode or something? Man, that was an amazing game all around. Paintball guns ftw.

That was the level where you faced Jaws and you got the Moonraker lazer guns. Very fun despite the endless guards that came to try to kill you once you triggered the alarm.

Good God, I remember those alarms.

Hide in a corridor, grab a Moonraker, and prepare to fire a lot.

Oh that only got you kill eventually... or, if you're like me, just really bored. You needed to complete the level fast once those went off if you wanted to win.

Ah, I took the slow and methodical route to beat that level. I would sit and wait for a lull and then blitz to the next section... Rinse and repeat a dozen times and I beat the level.

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rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:

Good God, I remember those alarms.

Hide in a corridor, grab a Moonraker, and prepare to fire a lot.

Oh that only got you kill eventually... or, if you're like me, just really bored. You needed to complete the level fast once those went off if you wanted to win.

Ah, I took the slow and methodical route to beat that level. I would sit and wait for a lull and then blitz to the next section... Rinse and repeat a dozen times and I beat the level.

There were too many places where the enemy could approach from behind IMO.  I prefered just to move quickly through it shooting as I went.

Move Half Life to 3 and Call of Duty to 2, Put Halo at 4.Then its good



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Damn, rocketpig's nuts. I sprinted through that Aztec level too. I'd never even considered hiding in the shadows and waiting for my chance. I'd only slow down for the turrets.

rocketpig said:
WTF? Doom 3 makes the list, Half-Life and Doom 2 don't, and GoldenEye gets number one?

I often wonder what those Screw Attack boys are smoking when they compile these lists.

Well, they are called "Screw Attack"... speaks for itself.

Halo should not be on the list... "Bioshock had no multiplayer"... Well neither did Halo 1. GoldenEye = #1? This list is a failure in all aspects. 

Who cares? It's his opinion. We are all entitled to our own opinions. The list is not a fact, and nobody agrees upon it. In fact, it's impossible to make a list that everyone agrees.

rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
Garcian Smith said:
@ Kratos: Portal is more of a puzzle game than an FPS, I think.

@ ArtOfAngels: As much as I hate to admit it, having spent countless hours of my youth playing it, Goldeneye really hasn't aged well. The framerate is awful, the lack of a second analog stick hurts the controls, and the muddy, blocky visuals are almost painful to look at. There's a great many better shooters out there nowadays.

@ ssj12: I know you're biased against console games, so the fact that you bolded every console-exclusive FPS on that list isn't exactly unexpected. Also, SS2 and Bioshock are sufficiently removed from each-other (the latter is just the spiritual sequel to the former, and not a direct sequel) that I see no issue with listing both. Finally, Wolf3D, like Goldeneye, hasn't aged well at all; it's basically an FPS in its most basic form, which really isn't anything to write home about nowadays.

So the first FPS ever made hasnt aged well... the mod community says different. As for GoldenEye, the best console FPS ever made, has aged just liike Perfect Dark.

That one thing alone should keep it out of the #1 spot.

That still does not mean it doesn't deserve a place in the top 10, but i agree #1 is a bit to high. maybe #5?

It definitely should hit the Top 10 but putting a game like that in the #1 spot shows extreme console bias.

Just for a frame of reference, Half-Life came out just a year after Goldeneye. Look at those two games together and you get a proper understaning of just how far behind console FPS games are (doubly so if you factor in the terrible N64 control system).

 Goldeneye brought FPS to the Mario mass. That's a huge achievement.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Instead of bitching, we should get together and make a better list. My number one, Doom. Though Golden Eye was good, it would have to be near, if not at, #10 because it was an early console FPS and that speaks for itself. I would also put the original Half Life over Half Life 2 and I would put Quake 2 in there over the original Quake. I don't play enough FPS games to go much farther from that. I also find it hard to believe that some of the best shooters had been made so recently, do you think that in 5 years people will still be raving about Bioshock? I don't. So my list would be something like this:

10. Golden Eye
9. ?
8. ?
7. ?
6. ?
5. Quake 2
4. ?
3. ?
2. Half Life
1. Doom


I'm sure you could put in games like Counter Strike also, maybe argue in a Halo but that would have to be numbers 8 or 9.  Maybe Call of Duty 4, haven't ever heard anything bad about that except like all new shooters the story was to short.  I'll play it to decide for myself when the PC version comes down in price some, not into shooters enough to shell out $50 for them.