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Instead of bitching, we should get together and make a better list. My number one, Doom. Though Golden Eye was good, it would have to be near, if not at, #10 because it was an early console FPS and that speaks for itself. I would also put the original Half Life over Half Life 2 and I would put Quake 2 in there over the original Quake. I don't play enough FPS games to go much farther from that. I also find it hard to believe that some of the best shooters had been made so recently, do you think that in 5 years people will still be raving about Bioshock? I don't. So my list would be something like this:

10. Golden Eye
9. ?
8. ?
7. ?
6. ?
5. Quake 2
4. ?
3. ?
2. Half Life
1. Doom


I'm sure you could put in games like Counter Strike also, maybe argue in a Halo but that would have to be numbers 8 or 9.  Maybe Call of Duty 4, haven't ever heard anything bad about that except like all new shooters the story was to short.  I'll play it to decide for myself when the PC version comes down in price some, not into shooters enough to shell out $50 for them.