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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - [Wii] Call of Duty 4 Wii Edition can it still happen

densiyrex said:
Again let me say:
It would be the only Modern time shooter on the Wii and the only modern time game that would come close to a mouse and keyboard setup.

I can see many reasons for COD4 apearing on the Wii , it makes financial sense.


But your garbage about "modern shooter" or w/e , I don't think that will be a determining factor  in the release of COD4 on the Wii. 

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Not going to happen. The development resources just aren't available for something that big.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

epsilon72 said:
I'd say it's 0% possible.

 You'd be wrong, there is actually a 56% probability*.

*Calculated using my leet Near skills. 

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

densiyrex said:

- Treyarch likes Wii Infinity Ward clearly said they don't so they never wanted to make a cod 4 Wii.

 I'm liking how you make it sound like the gaming industry is a glorified middle school.

"Oh my God, you would not believe what that bitch Ubisoft said to Wii."

"Yeah, I hear they're totally breaking up now, but that slut Tecmo's already hooked up with Wii."

"Ugh, I always thought Wii and Square would get back together."


 And back on topic: it ain't happening. Activision has better ways to spend its resources, and since Four wouldn't come out until the same time as Five, their sales would just canabilize each other's.