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Forums - General Discussion - Italy owned by magnificent Dutch!


OWNED!!! By the magnificent Dutch!!

Netherlands VS Italy.

                   3 : 0...


OOOOWNEDEDD! By StarcraftManiac and T013. LTrrr! Partytime!


Around the Network

I was with StarcraftManiac watching Italy get owned... F*CKING BRILLIANT!!!! ALL HAIL THE DUTCH!!!!

I drink your milkshake.



Justice is always Right... Oh wait... that was Wright...

RolStoppable said:
I am so proud of my country!

Huh?? Aren't u Austrian?

ItalianBoyPhil said:

lol, you must be hurt.

Around the Network

=p Lol @Roll....

Its alway nice to see Italy get owned ;)

RolStoppable said:
Slimebeast said:
RolStoppable said:
I am so proud of my country!

Huh?? Aren't u Austrian?

What? No way! Check my profile.

lol... so you're Dutch now?  What I told you, for Austria the party was over before it started....






Holland and Romania ftw!