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Forums - General Discussion - Your Favourite Drink!

So, whats your favourite drink?

Maybe coke, coffee, fanta, chocolate, anything!

My has to be probably Coke


I'll make some results after a few posts



Coke - 7

Arizona Diet Green Tea Energy Drink (Ok?) - 2

Kool-Aid - 1

Cranberry Juice - 1

Pepsi Max - 1

Gatorade - 1

Dr Pepper - 5

Fruit Juice - 1

Chocolate Milk - 3

Ginger Ale - 1

Welchs Grape Juice - 1

Water - 3

Mountain Dew - 1

Lemonade - 2

Tesco Fruit Juice! :D - 1

Grape Soda - 1

Jagermeister? - 1

Soy Milk - 1

Orangina - 1

Mango - 1

Iced White Tea - 1



Justice is always Right... Oh wait... that was Wright...

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Arizona Diet Green Tea Energy Drink

I never noticed the long name.


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kasillas88 said:
Arizona Diet Green Tea Energy Drink

I never noticed the long name.

I never noticed there was a drink that was called Arizona Diet Green Tea Energy Drink


Justice is always Right... Oh wait... that was Wright...


Coke. Kool-Aid is 2nd though =)


Around the Network

Pepsi Max. With Cranberry juice in a close second.

Monster Energy Drink, Full Throttle , Gatorade, Sweet iced tea, dr.pepper ,root beer, and coke.

edit: if i had to choose one it be dr.pepper or gatorade (many flavors to choose from :) 

Dr. Pepper, but its hard not to say Coke because there headquarters are were i'm from. I also love Green tea


currently playing:

I drink fruit juice, I don't have a specific favourite though.... though there is a really nice brand called Copella who make an Apple and Elderflower juice which is astonishingly nice (and even more nice when warmed up in the microwave)

I rarely drink fizzy stuff, and I very rarely drink hot drinks even though I like them.

Dr. Pepper is my favorite :3

Chocolate milk is probably a close second.

And I'll drink pretty much any non-diet pop :3

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