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Forums - General Discussion - where does it end ?

PS360ForTheWin said:

these parents also do drugs, there kids were not taken away because of there nazi views alone.

oh no...they were definately taken because of that.   They just want to keep the children because of drug and alcohol use.

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MrBubbles said:
PS360ForTheWin said:

these parents also do drugs, there kids were not taken away because of there nazi views alone.

oh no...they were definately taken because of that. They just want to keep the children because of drug and alcohol use.


Is this in the U.S.?? Anyway if it wasn't for the drugs and alcohol i would sue in their position. Wtf does the government have against free speech and freedom to believe what you want? Frodaddyg had it right religion is ridiculous and so is this neo-nazi bullshit but until they hurt someone they are free to believe and teach their kids whatever they want, at least according to the law in the U.S. they should.

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PS360ForTheWin said:
Frodaddyg said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
rocketpig said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
i dont get it, there parents are nazi drug addicts, you honsestly think thats a safe enviroment for young children?

You're standing on a very slippery slope. You should be careful.

please elaborate rocketpig, do you think that hating jews and gays and being addicted to drugs is a good example to set for your kids?


What he's saying is that personal beliefs aren't something that the government should be deciding for you or your children. they do that already, they have faith schools which are in effect indoctrination camps for kids.

Let's say I find religion ridiculous and damaging to the reality of a child's mind, should I then take them from their fundamentalist Christian family? (Not really a hypothetical either, since I think religion is ridiculous, but I'm not out abducting kids from Sunday school to "protect their best interests".)

these parents also do drugs, there kids were not taken away because of there nazi views alone.

Plenty of parents do drugs and their kids aren't taken away.

hsrob said:
Hey this is not an easy one. I tend to be on the, "this is a slippery slope", side of the debate BUT do you think it's right for the kids to be indoctrinated with such an extreme belief at such a young age, allow them their innocence for a few years.
I'll put it this way.  There is a reason why the ACLU provides legal support to the KKK. It's easy to support the freedom of nice people.  It's harder to support the freedom of everbody.  Doing so is the only way you can make sure you have true equality, however.  The only way you can make sure that your bias doesn't effect the rule of law when it comes to people who aren't so evil but just disagree with you.  

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Kasz216 said:

Plenty of parents do drugs and their kids aren't taken away.

Plenty of parents do drugs and get their children taken away. And this is where the argument comes to; what duty and in what circumstances does the state have to take action in the case of children? This story is from Canada and the specific laws are different there than in the USA. In the USA the laws vary from state to state. I don't find it troubling that the display of a swastika and the sign "14/88" on a seven year-old led to how this played out.

fkusumot said:
Kasz216 said:

Plenty of parents do drugs and their kids aren't taken away.

Plenty of parents do drugs and get their children taken away. And this is where the argument comes to; what duty and in what circumstances does the state have to take action in the case of children? This story is from Canada and the specific laws are different there than in the USA. In the USA the laws vary from state to state. I don't find it troubling that the display of a swastika and the sign "14/88" on a seven year-old led to how this played out.

 So you don't find it troubling that signs of a person's beliefs led to someones children being taken away.

Kasz216 said:
fkusumot said:
Kasz216 said:

Plenty of parents do drugs and their kids aren't taken away.

Plenty of parents do drugs and get their children taken away. And this is where the argument comes to; what duty and in what circumstances does the state have to take action in the case of children? This story is from Canada and the specific laws are different there than in the USA. In the USA the laws vary from state to state. I don't find it troubling that the display of a swastika and the sign "14/88" on a seven year-old led to how this played out.

So you don't find it troubling that signs of a person's beliefs led to someones children being taken away.

No. The article specifically said that the father had put the swastika and "14/88" on the child. A father who draws a swastika on his seven year-old kids' body and lets them go to school like that is troubling enough. And as far as drugs go, as much as I love Amy Winehouse, if she ever has kids she's going to have to clean up her act if she wants to keep them.

I would type up a long, boring post explaining my feelings on the matter, but instead I'll say this: I agree with rocketpig.

I wanted to say something about crazy Americans here, but since rocket is on duty I'll keep myself from doing that.