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Forums - Sales Discussion - How is Microsoft/Sony going to respond to the astounding Wii sales?

|_emmiwinks said:
OooSnap said:

The Wii is killing the PS3 and 360 in sales every month despite big hitters such as GTA 4 released for HD consoles. If you were a Microsoft or Sony exec what would you do gain Wii-like marketshare?

If the rumors of a Wii like controller for the 360 is true then that is something in Microsoft's arsenal (I think it will fail personally), but what else are they going to do? It seems like Microsoft tried their hardest to do every thing right but still failed to be a mass market console. What about Sony, are they going to drop the price more soon and start creating more casual games? Are they going to drop the price of the PS3 soon to appeal to the mass market?

I think Sony and Microsoft have to do something soon. If Sony and Microsoft continues to do what they are doing (whatever that is) then it seems like they would be fighting over scraps for years to come.

Exactly why do they need to do anything to answer the Wii's sales? According to Nintendo, analysts and most Nintendo fans, its not targeted at the same demographic. So why compete with something that isnt stealing your consumer base?

Seriously, it could sell 6 billion units tomorrow and I garuntee the sales of the XBOX360 and Playstation 3 would at most dip a little and continue on just like before. You can not play the same type of games on a Wii that you can on a HD console. Also while the Wii doesnt function as a media center in any sense of the word, both HD consoles operate on this level quite well.

Where exactly is the competition that you are talking about?

Are you serious?

 The HD consoles are almost dead in Japan, and seriously faltering in NA. EU is the only region they're seeing healthy sales in at this point.  And you figure the Wii has nothing to do with this.

Anybody who says the Wii isn't competing is just spinning to serve some kind of agenda. All entertainment products compete with each other. If you want an example, just look at what the handheld explosion has done to console sales in Japan.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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in Eu 360 is cheaper than the Wii (the arcade version at least).

I do think that the price barrier was significant, but for MS, they also have a bad image imho. I mean Xbox sounds like 13yold kids shouting in their mics. That is the idea I had of it before getting a 360... well it's true :/ had all the discomfort of pc game voicechat reapear and i've only had it for a month.
All MS can do is make a name for itself and by reaping the PS exclusive library, it is getting more and more attractive. Hell, they just announced new RPGs that were thought PS3. MS is on the right track, aiming at Nint is indeed not in their league yet. Sony came in their league on their own by creating a hardware that was so close to 360.

What can sony do? nothing! they would need a 100€ price drop for their system to seem afordable to people, there it looks like the Neo Geo used to, Highly expensive for a few great games... but just a few. Besides a price drop, they need to have more first party titles. The reason Nintendo has always prevailed is due to the strengh of their first party, Sony has a few interesting titles but nothing comparable. MS seems to me as they are doing a better job at publishing big games that spots their name.


MattAAron said:
I think only 1 thing matters: Price.

Each console has their own unique benefit, but I think price is the biggest factor in getting the most console sales

But of course if PS3/360's price were lowered to compete with the Wii, then the Wii's price would get lower too

But we wont see the PS3/360 competing with the price of the Wii ever, because this would mean MS/Sony would lose heaps of money which wouldn't be worth it

Edit: In a hypothetical situation, if you were to take all 3 console, make them all absolutly free, I'm pretty confident the Wii would be last. Obviously they would never be free, but just trying to stretch out my analogy of why I think price is the biggest factor, yet price is something that we won't ever see (atleast enough to have an huge impact on the Wii)

 In America and a lot of Europe Wiis were selling for more than PS3s when the supply was almost none existant.

MattAAron said:
I think only 1 thing matters: Price.

Each console has their own unique benefit, but I think price is the biggest factor in getting the most console sales

But of course if PS3/360's price were lowered to compete with the Wii, then the Wii's price would get lower too

But we wont see the PS3/360 competing with the price of the Wii ever, because this would mean MS/Sony would lose heaps of money which wouldn't be worth it

Edit: In a hypothetical situation, if you were to take all 3 console, make them all absolutly free, I'm pretty confident the Wii would be last. Obviously they would never be free, but just trying to stretch out my analogy of why I think price is the biggest factor, yet price is something that we won't ever see (atleast enough to have an huge impact on the Wii)

Price did not help GameCube against PS2.

Xbox 360 Arcade is cheaper than Wii in Europe and Premium costs almost the same or a tad more, and Wii still sells allot more in Europe.

If all else fails they could pray.

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If I was Sony and Microsoft I think I would have to accept that there was little chance of ever catching the Wii, and I would focus on trying to get the most out of this generation in order to get set up for the next generation. The point should not  be about trying to redefine the PS3 or XBox 360  in an attempt to compete against Nintendo  on Nintendo's terms ...

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

OooSnap said:

The Wii is killing the PS3 and 360 in sales every month despite big hitters such as GTA 4 released for HD consoles. If you were a Microsoft or Sony exec what would you do gain Wii-like marketshare?

If the rumors of a Wii like controller for the 360 is  true then that is something in Microsoft's arsenal (I think it will fail personally), but what else are they going to do? It seems like Microsoft tried their hardest to do every thing right but still failed to be a mass market console. What about Sony, are they going to drop the price more soon and start creating more casual games? Are they going to drop the price of the PS3 soon to appeal to the mass market?

 I think Sony and Microsoft have to do something soon. If Sony and Microsoft continues to do what they are doing (whatever that is) then it seems like they would be fighting over scraps for years to come.


The wii has captured a different audience than microsoft and sony. At this point in the generation, microsoft and sony are only competing with themselves while nintendo is in its own league

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

MattAAron said:
I think only 1 thing matters: Price.

Each console has their own unique benefit, but I think price is the biggest factor in getting the most console sales

But of course if PS3/360's price were lowered to compete with the Wii, then the Wii's price would get lower too

But we wont see the PS3/360 competing with the price of the Wii ever, because this would mean MS/Sony would lose heaps of money which wouldn't be worth it

Edit: In a hypothetical situation, if you were to take all 3 console, make them all absolutly free, I'm pretty confident the Wii would be last. Obviously they would never be free, but just trying to stretch out my analogy of why I think price is the biggest factor, yet price is something that we won't ever see (atleast enough to have an huge impact on the Wii)

I like how you simply discount the following facts:

(1) The Xbox 360 Premium 20GB is cheaper than the Wii in many parts of the world and

(2) The Xbox 360 Arcade is priced directly to compete with the Wii in the US.

Despite these facts, the Wii sold more than twice as fast as the 360 so far. 

Obviously price will always help but you can't just keep cutting price. A big problem is content, as GTA proved even big games aren't pushing systems. So I think Sony and Microsoft will start to approach this differently with casuals in mind, with different kinds of products, they'd be smart to do it different then Nintendo. I think Sony will see how home and games like LBP pan out. Obviously the latest news of Squares partnership is evidence that MS is still trying to make inroads in Japan. And I think they'll start to do more with online content, they do have an edge in this sense so they need to push it, I'm surprised no one has tried to get more MMO like content on their system, why hasn't anyone tried to get WOW on their system? This is a direction they could take otherwise they'll just be pumping out their own Wii-mote and unless it's amazingly presice and backed by big franchises(like if they make it to support fps titles and have dlc support for Halo, and maybe COD) but it seems MS is trying to reach out more to the casuals with kid appeal, and I think it isn't working. I think Rare would be better off making a blast corps sequal then another freaking Pinata game.