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Forums - General Discussion - On average, how much do you exercise daily?

I'm getting on the Wii Fit almost every day, and doing all 3 challenges constantly, and doing the jog and the super hula hoop.

As soon as school starts, I'll be back in the gym on campus 5 days a week doing pull-ups and benching again.

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I walk an hour and a half. Swim for 30 minutes in the summer, light weights in the winter. 20 minutes of calisthenics (while at work, on the clock... oh yeah). Playing a lot of frisbee. I have really bad knees so I can't run.

I eat baked chicken breast and broccoli for dinner, fruit for desert. Low Sodium turkey breast for lunch with celery and carrot sticks. Yogurt, apple, and 2 bananas for breakfast. Addicted to soda but recently I have been trying to switch to water and diet; it's going pretty well.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

ssj12 said:
i work in the Dairy Department in Wal*Mart, I get enough exercise moving everything... you people have no idea how heavy 30 gallons of milk is until you move it.

C'mon...I can understand if you have a job like mine. But lifting shit in a supermarket? That's kids work.

Depends on what is exercise. I cycle to train each morning (pretty fast, always go out too late) and then there's sex, the hikes I sometimes do...

True exercise I do 3 or four times a week. 3 hours boxing in total and roughly 4 hours of survivalrun-training a week.

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6 times a week:
1. 20 minutes before breakfast(Weiders 6 training program + push-ups)
2. more than 1 hour afternoon training program(different kinds of push-ups, dumbell rows, tricep extensons etc.)

plus some wiifit time almost everyday.

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Push-ups every day + lifting weights every day too. the numbers vary, depending on the pain :p

average hmmm all i really do is 100 push ups a day and i play some pick up basketball games and watch what i eat thats it im like 6'2 173 pounds

About 2 hours 4 days a week, almost all is strength training and a litttle cardio

about 45 minutes per day Jogging, 5 times a week

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Uhhh i get up and go to school lol