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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Analysts predict bad days ahead for the Xbox 360

Smashchu2 said:
I agree wholeheartedly about the image. It seems that uit is a mature console and it never once doubts this. Of course, I do beleive Microsoft is trying to get out of their shadow in the same way Nintendo tried. Like Nintendo though, they never really tried hard. Look back at their E3 07 press conference and you'll see their idea was stupid at best.

Of course, this isn;t to say Microsoft is doomed. They managed to sell nearly 20million units so I wouldn't see the future as incredibly bleak. They need to fallow up. They had Halo 3 and that did amazing, but they failed to fallow it up. They need to get another big hit, and they need more in house developers. I think they can pull though but they aren't trying hard enough.
Im sorry but the 360 has many great selling games.

 41 of its games have sold over a million, thats more then the original xbox. Gears sold over 5 million, cod 4 is over 6 million, gta 4 is over 5 million. The 360 is have really good software sales, far above the original xbox did at any point in its lifespan. 

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As an potential investor I am way more worried about the uprise of Linux, then about a billion or 2 more in losses/gains for the 360. I do hope that MS starts to focus more on their core business of making operating systems then other articles like the Zune, 360 or itś fast array of live services which have been closing down all the time lately as anyone who follows tech news will know.

Personally I think they could have saved a lot of money by waiting to enter the market with the 360 for a while and make the thing more fail proof. They may not have reaped the benefits of being in the number one spot for some time like they did now, but they at least could have focused their attention and (human) resources on something more worthwhile then repairing consoles. Their "lets appeal to the casual (wii, flashgames) gamer" hasn't had the effect they wanted either.

 Edit: this isn't about the games and if they sell a lot or not. This is about the lack of profit being made by Microsoft.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


Smashchu2 said:
I agree wholeheartedly about the image. It seems that uit is a mature console and it never once doubts this. Of course, I do beleive Microsoft is trying to get out of their shadow in the same way Nintendo tried. Like Nintendo though, they never really tried hard. Look back at their E3 07 press conference and you'll see their idea was stupid at best.

Of course, this isn;t to say Microsoft is doomed. They managed to sell nearly 20million units so I wouldn't see the future as incredibly bleak. They need to fallow up. They had Halo 3 and that did amazing, but they failed to fallow it up. They need to get another big hit, and they need more in house developers. I think they can pull though but they aren't trying hard enough.

I wholeheartedly disagree. Absoultely. The 360 IS NOT A MATURE CONSOLE. Far from it. It is as mature as every horror flick or action movie, meaning 16-25 mature. If that is matureness, then something is seriously wrong. 

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Analysists are always predicting gloom and doom

Fact is, the 360 is starting to make some money, and will sell many more consoles than the original xbox. Microsoft is no doubt happy

360 is making money in the sense that it has sold for months at more than production and logistics expenses, but it's still far from recovering the huge initial investments, that MS partially accounted for in report items different from the entertainment division.
Anyway, given the good SW sales and quite good online services sales, it should need to sell only 35-40 million consoles to break even, while Sony will need some millions more.

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