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As an potential investor I am way more worried about the uprise of Linux, then about a billion or 2 more in losses/gains for the 360. I do hope that MS starts to focus more on their core business of making operating systems then other articles like the Zune, 360 or itś fast array of live services which have been closing down all the time lately as anyone who follows tech news will know.

Personally I think they could have saved a lot of money by waiting to enter the market with the 360 for a while and make the thing more fail proof. They may not have reaped the benefits of being in the number one spot for some time like they did now, but they at least could have focused their attention and (human) resources on something more worthwhile then repairing consoles. Their "lets appeal to the casual (wii, flashgames) gamer" hasn't had the effect they wanted either.

 Edit: this isn't about the games and if they sell a lot or not. This is about the lack of profit being made by Microsoft.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979