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Forums - Gaming Discussion - whats the hardest game you have ever played?

touch the dead ds

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

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I registered for this thread, so head my wisdom:
I want to be the guy: The movie: the game is probably one of the hardest games ever made. Any jump that isn't perfect means you're dead. Trying something new means you're dead, because you didn't notice a hidden platform or some falling spikes or a giant spike trap on the wall. Imperfect timing: dead. I recommend against playing it: I'm a seasoned gamer and I personally haven't gotten past the second screen, despite watching videos of other people doing it.

Other than that, I'd say IVaN: Iter Vehemens ad Necem. Latin for "The violent road to death". I once got really far: The randomly sprouting pirahna plants that trap you in corners and poison you, I survived. The fact that any piece of food you pick up is likely to be poisoned or rotten or just explode because it can, I survived. The fact that you start the game with no money, armor, weapons, training, or food, and it's entirely likely that the first enemy you come across will eat one of your arms or otherwise cripple you for life, i survived. I managed to get a nice covey of succubi together by praying to dark gods (which was incredibly lucky, invoking divine power usually means you get smote or cursed). I finally get down into the basement of the second dungeon, staying behind my succubi minions. Oh, no, boss time. First all my succubi are killed, despite the fact that they could pretty much one hit anything I'd fought before, including me. Then all my dead succubi get raised by necromancers and start chasing after me. Then the screen explodes, and I die. It turns out that the area was filled with dwarves with dynamite strapped to their chest. The guy who made it says that if you manage to beat the game you should file a bug report so he can fix whatever you did. Oh, and it's a roguelike, which means that if you play for 10 hours building up the baddest human commoner ever, and you die, your guy is gone for good.

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption

Vanishing Point - Dreamcast.

I was one of the top racers in the world (online server) and still could not beat this incredible game. I don't knoe anyone who did. Even IGN admited they didn't beat it.
EGM claimed they did, but we all know that was a lie.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

Nethack , you just die always eventually. (Yeah, I know that theres ascension.)

FFX or maybe Ninja Gaiden Sigma