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starcraft said:
Torillian said:

You're making assumptions that Spartan is telling him to buy a PS3 for the future games, you're also assuming that the games currently out forthe PS3 don't justify its purchase. Which is a round about way of getting in the old "PS3 has no games" jab, which is simply not true. I own a PS3 for the games that are on it right now, and am perfectly happy with my purchase. Don't assume that because you can't find a good reason amongst the current games to by a PS3 that noone can.

Also a little above you said that you hear about more PS3's failing than 360's failing, and you know that's because there are more PS3 owners on this forum then there are 360 owners, which you failed to mention.

It wasn't much of an assumption.  Spartan attacked the notion of buying a 360 because Banjo "might" be good and then failed to list a single PS3 game in the post.  I don't think anybody reasonably argues that the PS3's library matches the 360's one at this point.  And given the extra expense of the system, thats something to take into account. 

I actually hadn't thought of the possibility that there are more PS3 owners on these forums (though looking at this thread, dolla's thread and soriku's latest thread, there are a lot of non-vocal 360 owners).  But that doesn't change the fact that even when I bring it up PS3 owners cant point to a recently manufactured 360 thats broken down.  Early 360's saw a high failure rate early on. 


 This link says around 10%.


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tombi123 said:
starcraft said:
Oh, and Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts will be the only platformer out this generation to rival SMG's brilliance.

Ummm no. That would be LittleBigPlanet. Is Banjo even a platformer anymore? Its 80% racing.

 I think it's a vechile game where you platformin vechicles. Also has racing/flying. Customizing/platforming/racing/flying/exploring in vechiles is 80% of the game, while 20% is platforming/collecting/exploring on foot. I liked exploring the most in BK. Secondly its awsome creativity and hilaroius jokes.

cwbys21 said:
If you want a ps3, best buy and walmart are running specials where they give you a $100 gift card when you buy a ps3. For walmart it is not a mail in, they load up the gift card the moment you pay. best buy is probably the same, but I can't confirm it.

 How long is this going on for? If I got a PS3, I would need to withdraw funds from the bank and get a summer job to repalce the money, so it would probably be 2-3 weeks before I could get a PS3 :(

Hawkeye said:
darthdevidem01 said:

well cus of the PS2 games the Ps3 wins...

also Eternal Sonata is coming to PS3..maybe not in NA though..

The thing is, I could get a 360 and ps2 and it would $20 less than the MGS4 bundle... but I don't want MGS4 as I havn't played any of the others and have never really played stealth games... so I guess the question is,

does the benfit of blu ray and remote play and PS3 games outweigh the benifit of Xbox 360 games and Xbox 360's multiplayer capabilites (as it has better though expensive online and most of my friends have a 360)

Blu-Ray has nothing to do with games.  If you want it, buy a PS3, if you want awesome games that take advantage of your HDTV, buy a 360.  If you want you can also pick up a PS2 like you said.

The 360 is an amazing content-based device. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

But nothing better than being able to make yer own levels....imo

Banjo was a isn't a platformer anymore

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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darthdevidem01 said:

but wouldn't the 360 online thing (which is not free) negate those $20 that get left through buying a 360 & a PS2??

Also if you have HD TV...Its worth it to have a blu-ray player


but surely PS2 + PS3's library put together is greater than the "oh so holy xboxb 360's" library??

Shop around for cheaper online on ebay.

As he said.  Buy a 360 for its better exclusives and get a PS2 soon.  It'll get a price cut to $99 soon anyway.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Hawkeye said:
cwbys21 said:
If you want a ps3, best buy and walmart are running specials where they give you a $100 gift card when you buy a ps3. For walmart it is not a mail in, they load up the gift card the moment you pay. best buy is probably the same, but I can't confirm it.

How long is this going on for? If I got a PS3, I would need to withdraw funds from the bank and get a summer job to repalce the money, so it would probably be 2-3 weeks before I could get a PS3 :(

Also, I thought the gift-card was only to be used for Blu-Ray movies?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I would say this go for the 360 now and a get a PS2 after the price cut.

Former something....

starcraft said:
Hawkeye said:
darthdevidem01 said:

well cus of the PS2 games the Ps3 wins...

also Eternal Sonata is coming to PS3..maybe not in NA though..

The thing is, I could get a 360 and ps2 and it would $20 less than the MGS4 bundle... but I don't want MGS4 as I havn't played any of the others and have never really played stealth games... so I guess the question is,

does the benfit of blu ray and remote play and PS3 games outweigh the benifit of Xbox 360 games and Xbox 360's multiplayer capabilites (as it has better though expensive online and most of my friends have a 360)

Blu-Ray has nothing to do with games. If you want it, buy a PS3, if you want awesome games that take advantage of your HDTV, buy a 360. If you want you can also pick up a PS2 like you said.

The 360 is an amazing content-based device.


 Well thats whay I am trying to decide. 360 has more games I want and I can get a PS2, but does the blu-ray player and PSP connectivty and the games that PS3 has outwigh the games 360 has? Thats basicalyl waht I am trying to figure out at this point. Either way im definatly going to paly those PS2 games though... there are so many XD


PS3 could get a price cut to $299 soon as well....

& 360 doesn't have better exclusives as PS3 80GB will include the whole playstation brand..which includes PS2 exclusives that pwns 360's library

HE would get everything in 1 place without having to have 2 seperate systems to plug in or switch cables n so on.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey