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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360: Console Home of RPGs?

mrstickball said:
And Tri-Ace games usually have fantastic features outside of gameplay so...

 Usually, trust me I know since I´ve played many Tri-Ace games.

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Shameless said:
darthdevidem01 said:

FF3 Remake

FF4 remake

Pokemon Diamond

Pokemon Pearl

FF12: Revenant Wings

World ENds With You

& MANY more

 Pokemon and The World Ends with You. FF12: RW is terrible and FF3 is a port. FF4 isn't out yet over here.

I don't know where to begin.

1st, that's an opinion and you state it as a fact.

Also, FF3 is no port. It was a 2D game that got revamped with an amazing 3D engine, some gameplay enhancements and more story. 

And in the list that Fernando posted there are at least 10 good-great RPG, and that's not an opinion... it's a fact.


darthdevidem01 said:

Well it was nerdy, cliched & said with Bad VO's....atleast the trailer made me laugh

 Star Ocean says "hi" Darth.

edit: Oh and I'm not dissing Star Ocean titles because they are excellent.

memory2zack said:
mrstickball said:
And Tri-Ace games usually have fantastic features outside of gameplay so...

Usually, trust me I know since I´ve played many Tri-Ace games.

However, the quality of the stories in Tri-ace games especially Star Ocean are debatable.  Depite the slow start, SO3s story as a whole was pretty good IMO


memory2zack said:
Like I said, gameplay is not the only thing important in a game and especially in an RPG. By gameplay I meant battle system, which is the RPG´s gameplay most important feature. I couldn´t care less if IU is an evolutionary "situtational RPG" if all the rest is mediocre. 

Gameplay is king and I can't believe you are trying to downplay it. If a game's fun to play, it's fun to play period.

If you want proper story and characters, you are better off picking up a book or two - with extremely few exceptions game's writing and characters are... poor. 

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Bitmap Frogs said:
memory2zack said:
Like I said, gameplay is not the only thing important in a game and especially in an RPG. By gameplay I meant battle system, which is the RPG´s gameplay most important feature. I couldn´t care less if IU is an evolutionary "situtational RPG" if all the rest is mediocre.

Gameplay is king and I can't believe you are trying to downplay it. If a game's fun to play, it's fun to play period.

If you want proper story and characters, you are better off picking up a book or two - with extremely few exceptions game's writing and characters are... poor.

That is the game designer's fault.  They are too lazy to give their characters backstory.  Developers should take example from Lost Odyssey.  That game has deep characterizations and many RPGs love LO for that reason among others.


Soriku said:
darthdevidem01 said:

no it isn't a FACT cus DQ sells like Cow Poo outside of Japan

FF13 will OUTSELL DQ me on this..


Well that means the bar is so low isn't it

Unless DQ sells like 5 mil in Japan...or more X_X Plus I'd expect another 2 mil+ boost or so from US and EU so DQ IX definitey has a chance at beating FF XIII in sales. Don't count out the possibility.

 I can't disagree with you more. FFvii made the JRPG genre international but you're only 13 so you may not know this. I couldn't care as much fore KH as much as FFXIII. I don't really care for the colorfulness and disney characters. Still a good series though. And Tales just doesn't match FF. Tales of the Abyss was a lot of fun but doesn't come close to the immersiveness  of the living breathing world in FF games. The sales speak for themselves. Millions of people won't buy a bad game

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

I think VP has a better story than SO, but anyway what I mean is that no matter how good a developer is they can always make a bad game.
After watching the last trailer of IU, I got the feeling that it´s going to be their first bad title. The story was very badly presented and sounded really dumb, I disliked the design of the antagonist and among the characters only Capale´s female friend and the twin kids were well designed. Lip synching was totally out of time and the voice-overs were below Tales english voice-overs level. I really disliked how they were shouting their techniques, as the voice-overs were bad and the techniques´names were ridiculous. Lastly, graphics of the environment were smooth and good, but character graphics had bad texture resolution, dunno, something was wrong with them.

Pristine20 said:
Soriku said:
darthdevidem01 said:

no it isn't a FACT cus DQ sells like Cow Poo outside of Japan

FF13 will OUTSELL DQ me on this..


Well that means the bar is so low isn't it

Unless DQ sells like 5 mil in Japan...or more X_X Plus I'd expect another 2 mil+ boost or so from US and EU so DQ IX definitey has a chance at beating FF XIII in sales. Don't count out the possibility.

 Millions of people won't buy a bad game

Just two examples off the top of my head.


Bitmap Frogs said:
memory2zack said:
Like I said, gameplay is not the only thing important in a game and especially in an RPG. By gameplay I meant battle system, which is the RPG´s gameplay most important feature. I couldn´t care less if IU is an evolutionary "situtational RPG" if all the rest is mediocre.

Gameplay is king and I can't believe you are trying to downplay it. If a game's fun to play, it's fun to play period.

If you want proper story and characters, you are better off picking up a book or two - with extremely few exceptions game's writing and characters are... poor.

Overall gameplay yes, battle system not at all. Of course I will downplay the battle system, its important but other things are important in RPGs as well. Like I said, I wouldn´t care for a RPG that has great battle system and all the rest is mediocre.