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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft unveiling new 360 RPGs next week in Japan

Riachu said:
Bitmap Frogs said:

Wait until ... and ... come out.

Oh yeah, the PS3's motto - a neverending source of humor this gen. I wish the poor guys weren't waiting so much, bitterness is such a sad feeling ^ ^.

Anyways, both might be sjrpgs but both are the first decent whatever-rpg available for the console yet the sales were dismal. So far the ps3 has showed zero proof whatsoever to be able to support jrpgs better than the 360. Disgaea is a known franchise spanning both the ps2 and the psp coming from a reputable rpg-publisher yet its sales were comparable to a western-oriented new IP from a newly stablished developer (LO). Square-Enix is aware the ps3 is not the place to make money with jrpgs, that's why it's most important franchise is not showing up on it. Sooner or later you poor sobs are gonna come to terms with the fact the ps2-rpg legacy has not been inherited by the ps3.

What are you talking about? FFXIII and Versus XIII are both exclusive to the PS3


Fail. DQ is [SE most important franchise] - sadly to SE FF is just what pays the rent in between DQ releases.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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I'll wait and see what the news will be.
Nevertheless, it's great thing for 360.
they have not given up in Japan and i believe Europe and NA gamers will become more familiar with JRPGs. I've never liked em before, but I'm very interested in it now.
More the better.

PS3 fans' jealousy has now become bitterness. I hope the surprise news will be that FFXIII will be coming out on 360 - that would be so funny.

Coca-Cola said:
I'll wait and see what the news will be.
Nevertheless, it's great thing for 360.
they have not given up in Japan and i believe Europe and NA gamers will become more familiar with JRPGs. I've never liked em before, but I'm very interested in it now.
More the better.

PS3 fans' jealousy has now become bitterness. I hope the surprise news will be that FFXIII will be coming out on 360 - that would be so funny.

 You never liked JRPGs yet your now interested in them?  I need to play more Western RPGs yet still play JRPGs

Riachu said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

All these people arguing about RPGs on other consoles, I'm surprised few people said anything about Cry On. It's about friggin time they showed that one off.

EDIT: And for all the poeple naming random SE franchises, you might want to check yourself. SE already said the 360 wasn't one of their major platforms, doesn't make sense for it to suddenly get all of their major franchises a few weeks after they pretty much said the 360 was an afterthought. Won't be getting much unless it's shared.

 When you say major SE franchises, do you also mean Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile?

I mean pillar franchises for both companies. Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Mana, SaGa, etc.

I don't know if Star Ocean was ever considered a pillar franchise for Enix, they had so many under their belt not to mention publishing contracts with other developers like GameArts (Lunar + Grandia).

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Bitmap Frogs said:
Riachu said:
Bitmap Frogs said:

Wait until ... and ... come out.

Oh yeah, the PS3's motto - a neverending source of humor this gen. I wish the poor guys weren't waiting so much, bitterness is such a sad feeling ^ ^.

Anyways, both might be sjrpgs but both are the first decent whatever-rpg available for the console yet the sales were dismal. So far the ps3 has showed zero proof whatsoever to be able to support jrpgs better than the 360. Disgaea is a known franchise spanning both the ps2 and the psp coming from a reputable rpg-publisher yet its sales were comparable to a western-oriented new IP from a newly stablished developer (LO). Square-Enix is aware the ps3 is not the place to make money with jrpgs, that's why it's most important franchise is not showing up on it. Sooner or later you poor sobs are gonna come to terms with the fact the ps2-rpg legacy has not been inherited by the ps3.

What are you talking about? FFXIII and Versus XIII are both exclusive to the PS3



Fail. DQ is [SE most important franchise] - sadly to SE FF is just what pays the rent in between DQ releases.
DQ is not very popular outside of Japan like FF is.  FFXII sold over 5 million copies but DQVIII sold like 4 million copies(with over 90% of the sales coming from Japan)


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Coca-Cola said:
I'll wait and see what the news will be.
Nevertheless, it's great thing for 360.
they have not given up in Japan and i believe Europe and NA gamers will become more familiar with JRPGs. I've never liked em before, but I'm very interested in it now.
More the better.

PS3 fans' jealousy has now become bitterness. I hope the surprise news will be that FFXIII will be coming out on 360 - that would be so funny.

Not happening. Yes, it gets annoying how the sdf troll brigade rushes to 360 rpg threads. Bitter fanboys are bitter.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

ClaudeLv250 said:
Riachu said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

All these people arguing about RPGs on other consoles, I'm surprised few people said anything about Cry On. It's about friggin time they showed that one off.

EDIT: And for all the poeple naming random SE franchises, you might want to check yourself. SE already said the 360 wasn't one of their major platforms, doesn't make sense for it to suddenly get all of their major franchises a few weeks after they pretty much said the 360 was an afterthought. Won't be getting much unless it's shared.

When you say major SE franchises, do you also mean Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile?

I mean pillar franchises for both companies. Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Mana, SaGa, etc.

I don't know if Star Ocean was ever considered a pillar franchise for Enix, they had so many under their belt not to mention publishing contracts with other developers like GameArts (Lunar + Grandia).

Star Ocean is a pillar franchise.  Enix never actually developed the games they published before the merger including DQ


Soriku said:


Yeah, on Xbox 360. Go figure.



Xbox 360 is currently the best console worth considering if you just want to play RPGs right now or in the near future. Don't get me wrong, I'll get a PS3 some time near the end of next year when FF XIII and White Knight Story will actually be out or nearing release, but I recently purchased a 360 simply because it's the console that has RPGs on it at the moment. The first game I played on it was Eternal Sonata, which was a reasonably fun JRPG. I just started playing Blue Dragon, which I'm enjoying thoroughly as someone who sometimes like to go back and play older (and simpler) JRPG. I will be purchasing Lost Odyssey soon after I beat BD. I'll be playing Mass Effect on it soon enough as well.

Even if you're not interested in Mass Effect (as a Western RPG), that's still 3 solid JRPGs that are already out (2 of which will never come out on the PS3). Add to that the fact that the 360 also seems to have just as many (if not more) JRPGs announced for the system as the PS3 right now, and the fact that those announced RPGs are closer to release than the PS3's, and you find that anyone currently in the market for a console on which to play JRPGs who doesn't absolutely NEED to get FF XIII (or can afford to get the other HD console at a later date) is better served purchasing a 360 now (and a PS3 later if they would like FF XIII, Versus XIII, and White Knight Story, etc.).

With western RPGs, I don't believe either console is particularly strong thus far, but the 360 would still be a bit stronger at the moment. Oblivion is on both, Mass Effect 1 is 360 exclusive (although the sequel may or may not be due to EA's ownership of the franchise now). Fable 2 is 360 exclusive, and Too Human is as well (although that may be a bit too much of an action game for some RPG fans).

So yeah. At the moment if you want to buy a console merely for the RPGs currently otu and to be out in the near future, the 360 is probably a better purchase than the PS3. That may change eventually, but that's where it stands right now. For someone like me, who knows they will one day own both consoles, that is not a problem as we can simply purchase a PS3 later. For someone who does not plan on ever purchasing both, it's a tougher decision and I don't particularly care to get involved in that debate. I have no vested interest in being a fanboy for either platform (Nintendo is the only company to inspire any fanboy-ish feelings in me, and I try to keep those under control).

Edit: My first sentence was more inflammatory than I intended. I made it less so.

Riachu said:
Bitmap Frogs said:

Fail. DQ is [SE most important franchise] - sadly to SE FF is just what pays the rent in between DQ releases.

DQ is not very popular outside of Japan like FF is.  FFXII sold over 5 million copies but DQVIII sold like 4 million copies(with over 90% of the sales coming from Japan)


 SE is a japanese company and DQ is the game with the most impact in japan. Since jrpgs are (or used to) checked against the japanese market, DQ makes a bigger impact on the genre than FF does. Japanese rpg devs don't check on french sales whenever they design or market games. 

That's why DQ always goes to the platform with the bigger userbase, because it's the most preeminent jrpg where it matters - japan. SE is well aware that no jrpg carries the traction of DQ - that's why FF is milked while DQ is gently caressed.  

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Riachu said:
DQ is not very popular outside of Japan like FF is.  FFXII sold over 5 million copies but DQVIII sold like 4 million copies(with over 90% of the sales coming from Japan)


DQ8 sold shy of 5 million with over a million of those sales from America and Others. Japan certainly didn't account for 90%. Also DQM Joker for the DS outsold Revenant Wings in America. SE said since DQ8 that they wanted to make it a strong franchise outside of Japan and it's working...slowly.

Star Ocean is a pillar franchise.  Enix never actually developed the games they published before the merger including DQ

No it's not. When Square and Enix merged the pillars got shuffled around. Now it's DQ, FF and KH.



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"