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Soriku said:


Yeah, on Xbox 360. Go figure.



Xbox 360 is currently the best console worth considering if you just want to play RPGs right now or in the near future. Don't get me wrong, I'll get a PS3 some time near the end of next year when FF XIII and White Knight Story will actually be out or nearing release, but I recently purchased a 360 simply because it's the console that has RPGs on it at the moment. The first game I played on it was Eternal Sonata, which was a reasonably fun JRPG. I just started playing Blue Dragon, which I'm enjoying thoroughly as someone who sometimes like to go back and play older (and simpler) JRPG. I will be purchasing Lost Odyssey soon after I beat BD. I'll be playing Mass Effect on it soon enough as well.

Even if you're not interested in Mass Effect (as a Western RPG), that's still 3 solid JRPGs that are already out (2 of which will never come out on the PS3). Add to that the fact that the 360 also seems to have just as many (if not more) JRPGs announced for the system as the PS3 right now, and the fact that those announced RPGs are closer to release than the PS3's, and you find that anyone currently in the market for a console on which to play JRPGs who doesn't absolutely NEED to get FF XIII (or can afford to get the other HD console at a later date) is better served purchasing a 360 now (and a PS3 later if they would like FF XIII, Versus XIII, and White Knight Story, etc.).

With western RPGs, I don't believe either console is particularly strong thus far, but the 360 would still be a bit stronger at the moment. Oblivion is on both, Mass Effect 1 is 360 exclusive (although the sequel may or may not be due to EA's ownership of the franchise now). Fable 2 is 360 exclusive, and Too Human is as well (although that may be a bit too much of an action game for some RPG fans).

So yeah. At the moment if you want to buy a console merely for the RPGs currently otu and to be out in the near future, the 360 is probably a better purchase than the PS3. That may change eventually, but that's where it stands right now. For someone like me, who knows they will one day own both consoles, that is not a problem as we can simply purchase a PS3 later. For someone who does not plan on ever purchasing both, it's a tougher decision and I don't particularly care to get involved in that debate. I have no vested interest in being a fanboy for either platform (Nintendo is the only company to inspire any fanboy-ish feelings in me, and I try to keep those under control).

Edit: My first sentence was more inflammatory than I intended. I made it less so.