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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone else disappointed by Metroid Prime 3?

Generally I loved it.  It is a great game.  Controls easily its biggest asset, they are superb!!  Graphics are great! Loved the voicework/dialogue which was a first for the series.  Corruption/Hypermode also a very good addition.

As for the fetch the energy cells quest I had already begun that earlier on in the game so only had to get one or two at the end, which didnt bother me at all!

Lack of weapons/powerups.  I realise its not strictly a FPS but after picking up all the missile powerups/expansions I never realy found my self having to use them!  Isn't it missing some powerups from the previous games?

Game does feel a bit short.  Maybe its the way it splits up gameplay by going to different planets and backtracking is at a minimal or maybe its the fantastic controls which give you pinpoint accuracy to dispatch the enemy.

Its a great game!  All Wii owners should definetly consider it. 


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Machina-AX said:
I don't really like it either but I always feel like I have to like it just because it's so universally popular, and to criticise it is tantamount to heresy. It was my 1st Metroid game, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I just found it really boring.

I keep meaning to go back to it - to complete it before coming to form such a harsh opinion, but I never feel the drive or motivation to do so and there are loads of other games that I actually enjoy that I have not completed yet.

 QFT. That's exactly how I felt about the game. And to the people wondering: yes, it was my first Metroid. However, I found the original Metroid Prime for 10 euros at a local store some time ago, and like it a lot better (and that's not because of the controls, which were absolutely fantastic in Corruption). Somehow Metroid Prime is a lot more exciting, fun, and complete to me than Corruption. 

I drink your milkshake.

Best metroid ever!


Smeags said:
omgwtfbbq said:
A. I don't get why everyone particularly complains about the energy cells business? Every single metroid prime game had a "fetch all these things to meet the final boss" quest. MP1 had some keys to unlock a gate, MP2 you had to kill those invisible Ing storage units to unlock another gate. Perhaps you played the other metroids too long ago that you forgot about them, but they've always been there.

B. As in all the previous games, I almost had almost every energy cell well before they were actually needed.

A. So... we should just look past this issue because the previous games have it? If it makes you feel better, I have the same opinion about the temple keys and the chozo artifacts.

B. Good job!

hey I never said it is safe to overlook them just because they were in the previous games. I just never really heard any bitching about it until the third game, is all.


Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

hsrob said:
@Gnizmo: give it another try. I like you was pretty underwhelmed at the beginning and liked the opening few hours much less than the previous games and went back to playing Mario Galaxy. I also found the control strange being so used to the GC versions. Once i got Mario Galaxy out of the way however and put i few hours into it i really started to enjoy it and ended up loving it.

p.s. make sure you are using advanced control

I know I tried the advanced controls at some point, but can't recall what it changed. If it turned off the auto-lock system I went away from it pretty quickly. Nothing annoys me more than not being able to quickly target an enemy, and the game turns soooooooo slowly. I will have to find a way to adjust that before I can ever get back into the game. The first boss battle was absolutely horrific for me only because I couldn't target him nearly as fast as I wanted to.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Gnizmo said:
hsrob said:
@Gnizmo: give it another try. I like you was pretty underwhelmed at the beginning and liked the opening few hours much less than the previous games and went back to playing Mario Galaxy. I also found the control strange being so used to the GC versions. Once i got Mario Galaxy out of the way however and put i few hours into it i really started to enjoy it and ended up loving it.

p.s. make sure you are using advanced control

I know I tried the advanced controls at some point, but can't recall what it changed. If it turned off the auto-lock system I went away from it pretty quickly. Nothing annoys me more than not being able to quickly target an enemy, and the game turns soooooooo slowly. I will have to find a way to adjust that before I can ever get back into the game. The first boss battle was absolutely horrific for me only because I couldn't target him nearly as fast as I wanted to.

 The slow turning is exactly what changes when you turn on advanced control. Auto-aiming is still possible. I recommend it,it's one of the best control sets I've ever seen.

I drink your milkshake.

I don´t like all the scanning you do.

A great game!

+ The ability to use your ship in various ways
+ Great Wii-graphics
+ Fantastic controls
+ I actually liked the fact that Samus isn't alone in this one, it felt more epic. It really made me feel that we're in a big war against the Space Pirates.
+ Some great music
+ Hyper mode
+ Very atmosferic in places, like in the Valhalla.

- No switching between various weapons

- No charge combos

- Less backtracking


IMO very close to MP1.

sc94597 said:
Dno said:
Well this really was the same as all the other 3d metriods.... i dont see whats so different lol.

I loved the first two but i hated the 3rd because of the controls... that messed the game up for me. if i can play with a GC controller id say its prolly the best one but i hate motion controls that i can not turn off lol
Um , what? How are the controls worse? They are far more accurate, faster, and overall more fluid. The best controls for a console fps.


In Your opinion NOT mine.

 If i hate it i hate it end of story..