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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone else disappointed by Metroid Prime 3?

The only negatie thing about this game for me is that it has made it impossible for me to play FPS with a regular controller

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I agree. The environments were too weird, and the gameplay wasn't nearly as fun as it could have been, mostly because of the lack of challenging monsters to fight (IE: Cloud City after you kill the seed) , and I thought the world failed to find a balance between tradition Metroid (no friendly interaction) and other FPS games (tons of friendly interaction.) I mean at the beginning there's troopers everywhere, and commanding officers and such, but the rest of the game was very inconsistent with that. It tried too much to imitate other popular FPSs and didn't do a good job. First two primes are MUCH better IMO.

Too bad, dude. I thought the game was superb...and difficult in Hyper mode (my god, the last boss was insane XD, I felt so hardcore after beating it).

Anyway, great game. You're weird for not liking it :p.

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This was my first metroid prime game that I ever played. I was hooked as soon as I put in the disc, and went to the game channel..........the epic jingle was so cool. I loved everything about that game: the music, the bosses, the controls, the puzzles, the cut scenes, etc. I hope that rumor about the trilogy is true.....I would love to play MP and MP2 with these controls.

I thought Metroid Prime 3 lived up to its hype. It had great difficulty, levels, music, boss battles, and controls. The only disappointing thing about the game was the final boss battle, but the music more than made up for it.


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I really liked the game. My biggest complaint was that the worlds didn't feel as real as the other prime games. But that is due to spending less time on each one. I'm with Naz on the fetch quest, I found most of them along the way and like he said it helps that I played lots of Zelda and other Metroids so it is natural to look in every nook and cranny.

Hmmm, I don't agree with you T013.

I thought MP3 was rather good (and yes, I finally had the time to finish it )...

- Rather good and innovative control-scheme.

-Great Wii graphics.

-Epic bossfights.

-Fun puzzles.

-Less backtracking.


Although the atmosphere is better in MP1, I'll give you that!...


The fetch quest was nothing, if you played a metroid game before you'd know enough to look everywhere for items. I think I had about 6 things to find and some of them were a lot of fun finding.

I loved the game, one of the best games I played all of last year.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

I loved the abilty to be able to travel with your ship. Not the best of the 3 MP games, but one of the best games, yea

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T013 said:

I realise it's a bit late to make a thread like this; I wanted to do it before, but I guess I just forgot.

I hear everyone calling Metroid Prime 3 a great game. Review scores were great and it is part of the essential Wii collection. Since everyone has this opinion, please note that I am not saying that the game IS bad. I can see the huge technical achievement, the near flawless controls, and the improvements over its predecessors, and I respect other people liking it - you'll probably be right. But was I the only one who had absolutely no fun at all playing it? Who found the atmosphere highly unpleasant, the gameplay uninteresting, and the part where you collect the energy cells one of the worst segments of a game I have ever seen? (For me it was the decisive factor to say 'ok, fuck this game, let's play some more SSBM. I finished it eventually months later, but wasn't motivated to complete the game). I had high hopes for the game, but it failed to make its promises come true for me. Is there anyone else who felt like wasting their time playing it?

I'm not the kind of guy to bash titles which I know a lot of people enjoyed, so please let me restate that I know Metroid Prime 3 is a good game. I just didn't like it.

I it was a great game. But then it's not the tradition FPS where you just go from point A to point B shooting the enemy. There's more problem solving evolved. Which is the main reason I like it so much. I not a big fan of traditional FPS.