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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone else disappointed by Metroid Prime 3?

Well it is an action FPS adventure game and many people dont like that even though its more interesting to me but what ever i digress.

"Like you know"

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Dno said:
Well this really was the same as all the other 3d metriods.... i dont see whats so different lol.

I loved the first two but i hated the 3rd because of the controls... that messed the game up for me. if i can play with a GC controller id say its prolly the best one but i hate motion controls that i can not turn off lol
Um , what? How are the controls worse? They are far more accurate, faster, and overall more fluid. The best controls for a console fps.


Sorry you felt that way. Personally, I liked it a lot, although it still had some flaws. The mandatory fetch quest is the biggest, although I also would have liked there to be less fighting, since I prefer exploration over combat in my Metroids.

It seems you don't own the previous two Prime games. Perhaps you just came into this game expecting a different experience? While I'm really into the series, I know the Prime trilogy does alienate quite a few people.

rudyrsr8 said:
Well it is an action FPS adventure game and many people dont like that even though its more interesting to me but what ever i digress.

 NO it's and a First Person Adventure game where her weapons happen to be beams and missiles. 

super_etecoon said:
The only disappointment I felt after playing Metroid Prime 3 was that there aren't any new Metroids announced.

 There will be more. Just none announced. Maybe they will bring back dread. 

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Still haven't played it, waiting for a price drop to buy it.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Here's a few things that weren't as good in my opinion-

Way to linear- lacks the series tradmark deep exploration/feeling of issolation and discovery

Lack of inovative visors (would have been cool to see some new ones)

Placement of buttons on the Wii sucked (very frustrating imo)

Awful voice acting

supermario128 said:
Still haven't played it, waiting for a price drop to buy it.

 That won't happen until sales start to slow down. It's still having consistent sales.

sc94597 said:
rudyrsr8 said:
Well it is an action FPS adventure game and many people dont like that even though its more interesting to me but what ever i digress.

NO it's and a First Person Adventure game where her weapons happen to be beams and missiles.

 I refer this one as an action one since least IMO there was more battling than in the other Primes. 


"Like you know"

Easily my favorite of the 3 Metroid Primes (mostly cause of the controls). The first hour or 2 of the game sucked cause it was too FPS focused, but after that it was great. Especially the puzzles.

It wasn't more linear than the other Metroid Primes. They were all linear. You just didn't notice. If only one door in the room of 6 doors is unlocked you only have one direction you can go. Just because there are multiple doors doesn't make it non-linear when none of them are available till the game wants you to be able to use them.

I never even noticed the power cell fetch quest because I always collect everything anyway lol. Probably not as good for casual players though I'm sure.