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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Sacred 2 Information (Looking VERY awesome!)

Sounds closer to Phantasy Star Online than anything else...That was a fantastic gaming experience on the Dreamcast so I can see the appeal...Guild Wars with groups of 4 worked well too...

Playing: Borderlands(great co-op,HUGE amount of content),Too Human(better late than never lol),Saints Row 3(Penetrator ftw),Minecraft 360,Harry Potter Lego. 

Patiently waiting for:  Tomb Raider, Borderlands 2

Around the Network
starcraft said:
Mother of God. That looks amazing. I'm adding this game to the spiel I give whenever someone says the 360 has no RPG's. When is it due out?

Usually they're talking about Japanese made RPGs, which none of the consoles have. And don't give me your crap list. The home consoles suck for RPGs this generation, period. Exclamation mark. Comma, Period.

It looks like a very good game. My hopes for Too Human aren't that high, but this could be good. 



MontanaHatchet said:
starcraft said:
Mother of God. That looks amazing. I'm adding this game to the spiel I give whenever someone says the 360 has no RPG's. When is it due out?

Usually they're talking about Japanese made RPGs, which none of the consoles have. And don't give me your crap list. The home consoles suck for RPGs this generation, period. Exclamation mark. Comma, Period.

It looks like a very good game. My hopes for Too Human aren't that high, but this could be good. 

What do you mean, "which none of the consoles have"?

And why do consoles suck for RPGs this gen? In comparison to other gens, or the PC?

Squilliam said:
Nice! Im glad its an Xbox360 exclusive. I played Sacred 1, pretty cool game IMO.

I hope they sell 2,000,000+ to encourage more of these games.




Why do you care if its 360 exclusive? Do you not want PS3 players to enjoy the game as well? 


Had to change my sig to get some moderator to quit bitching about it......


MontanaHatchet said:
starcraft said:
Mother of God. That looks amazing. I'm adding this game to the spiel I give whenever someone says the 360 has no RPG's. When is it due out?

Usually they're talking about Japanese made RPGs, which none of the consoles have. And don't give me your crap list. The home consoles suck for RPGs this generation, period. Exclamation mark. Comma, Period.

It looks like a very good game. My hopes for Too Human aren't that high, but this could be good.

Reaches for JRPG list button......

Notes Montana's angry mood.....

Decides not to risk ban....... 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Around the Network

I didn't see any mention of local co-op and the trailer shows a game model that doesn't look to accommodate it so boo. I enjoyed Baldur's gate co-op immensely...

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

I think that JRPGs, generally speaking, have hit their economic ceilling, as Point and Click Adventures and SRPGs did before them.

That is, certain genres have basically stopped expanding, or even shrinking in size (Fighters like Tekken/Street Fighter are an example of this). If you have a stagnant revenue base (that basically only grows due to collector's editions and price hikes like 60 dollars per game instead of 50), you're going to run into trouble very quickly in an age when production costs are skyrocketing. Every genre will have their limit, where producers say: "That's it, no more, it is no longer economically feasible to spend more on this genre."

That's why SRPGs are stuck with late PS1/early PS2 graphics, for example. There isn't economic value in increasing production costs beyond that. Similarly, I think JRPGs will be stuck, by and large, with late PS2/early PS3 tech, because the genre is stagnant and does not warrant more significant financial investment.

And in case anyone thinks I'm calling for teh doom of teh RPGs, I'm not. Lots of great point and click adventures are still made, even if they are under most people's radar because they are no longer high profile releases; the only people that may be disappointed by this transition are those who insist on constantly improving graphics, no matter the cost.">">

still 2D isometric , meh.

gimme dungeon siege 3 instead

Nabraham said:

Squilliam said:
Nice! Im glad its an Xbox360 exclusive. I played Sacred 1, pretty cool game IMO.

I hope they sell 2,000,000+ to encourage more of these games.




Why do you care if its 360 exclusive? Do you not want PS3 players to enjoy the game as well? 


Well its a PC game, so either the Xbox360 gets it or no console gets it. They pave the way for more games to come out like that on all systems really.

Xbox360 got oblivion, then since it was successful the PS3 got it too.


Bodhesatva said:

I think that JRPGs, generally speaking, have hit their economic ceilling, as Point and Click Adventures and SRPGs did before them.

That is, certain genres have basically stopped expanding, or even shrinking in size (Fighters like Tekken/Street Fighter are an example of this). If you have a stagnant revenue base (that basically only grows due to collector's editions and price hikes like 60 dollars per game instead of 50), you're going to run into trouble very quickly in an age when production costs are skyrocketing. Every genre will have their limit, where producers say: "That's it, no more, it is no longer economically feasible to spend more on this genre."

That's why SRPGs are stuck with late PS1/early PS2 graphics, for example. There isn't economic value in increasing production costs beyond that. Similarly, I think JRPGs will be stuck, by and large, with late PS2/early PS3 tech, because the genre is stagnant and does not warrant more significant financial investment.

And in case anyone thinks I'm calling for teh doom of teh RPGs, I'm not. Lots of great point and click adventures are still made, even if they are under most people's radar because they are no longer high profile releases; the only people that may be disappointed by this transition are those who insist on constantly improving graphics, no matter the cost.

If this is right (and there is a very good chance it may be), then what do you think it will mean for the console war?

The Playstation brand in particular has traditionally been very dependant on JRPG's.  The Xbox 360 has seen tonnes of investment in these games, but if they become less significant, we may realize that money would have been better spent elsewhere......... 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS