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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS2 price drop to $99, when will it happen?

The PS2 has been priced at $130 for awhile now. When do you think Sony will drop the price of system down to $99? I'm thinking around E3 (mid-July)

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whenever the PS2 stops selling at 130$ so it can help offset the loss on each PS3

why drop it, selling great for an eight year old system at $129.99.

They don't need to stretch the PS2 install base any further, they just want a profit. Dropping it would sell more, but be useless if they aren't making much money.

When they stop making a profit at that price.

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Aj_habfan said:
They don't need to stretch the PS2 install base any further, they just want a profit. Dropping it would sell more, but be useless if they aren't making much money.

Yeah, I entered the thread to say exactly that.  I think they'll just enjoy the profits on $129 PS2 sales for a while and drop the price of PS3, to encourage migration of the mammoth PS2 base.

Wii and low-end 360s (Arcade or whatever they call it) won't be challenging PS2s low price point anytime soon, and parents that want a cheaper console/DVD player for the kids will be drawn to the $129 PS2 for a while still. 

they're making TONS of money on the PS2.