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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who Else does Not enjoy online gaming?

ZenfoldorVGI said:

Anyway, my avatar is from World of Warcraft, where I have 2 level 70's in pimped out gear that I never play anymore. I have about 250 days real time played on that game.

I also ascended near the top ranks of Halo 2, and took the number 5 spot in ESPN 2k5(was 5 their last game?).

Damn dude...those are some crazy gaming achievements.

The only thing that I can brag to people about reguarding my gaming achievemnts is that I beat Battletoads. :)

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It's not that I don't enjoy online gaming (In fact, I enjoy it quite a lot), It's just that I have a preference for single player games. And I understand that that this preference is becoming a minority for gamers now-a-days.

It was the way to play video games during the pre N64 era. An era with only 2 game controller slots. And while you could play with a friend, you usually played alone (lights out, except for the glow of the television screen, you and your glass of chocolate milk, fighting off Evil the Cat in Earthworm Jim.).

I've just brought that single player mentality with me along for the generations. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy playing with 3 other friends, blasting each other into oblivion.

I tried to like online gaming; I played a lot of online gaming. But somehow having a bunch of teenagers talk filth and constantly belittle me if I wasn't as fast as them got old. There is nothing wrong with the games it's just that they have attracted and cultivated a remarkably mean spirited, arrogant and foul mouthed culture.

Online gaming is to me a lot like Disney World, it would be great fun if it wasn't for all the f**king people.

having gone through the thread i would say it is fairly evenly split for and against.
a lot of my reasons for not enjoying it have been expressed by other people.
I suppose i will have to accept it is mostly for the younger ones and fair play to them.





The games I put the most time into are online games , some games wouldn't interest me without an online element.

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much prefer single gaming but I do enjoy MKWii online from time to time - you just get sucked in to that whole one more race concept.

A group of my mates keep constantly asking me to meet them online for GTA4 but i much prefer playing single player game on my own.


the only type of online gaming I don't like are ones with voice chat. for a thing as useful strategically as voice chat...all you seem to hear are racial slurs and 12 year olds cursing....thats why I'm glad to have my voiceless Wii online setup, or some Empire Earth online.

MontanaHatchet said:
If you play popular games (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty 4) a lot of the players will be either overly competitive or 12 years old and developing their ego in a painful transition. Plenty of older gentlemen like yourself can be found playing games offered on Xbox Live Arcade.

they say the truth hurts montana but i suppose i am an older gentleman.

on the xbox live arcade i dont really like any of the games on offer apart from pacman so i suppose i will have to stick to the ai enemys until you youngsters get older lol.





I'm 31 and never really liked online gaming so hardly or never do it. I'd rather play single player games on my own, in my time and at my speed. Though a sort alike GoW game of which I hear is pretty free, I'd like to play though, as you can play on your own as well... so I've heard.

I like sending messages to people via the PS3 though but not really online gaming. Especially in games where you can talk, I refuse to play online, as you'll always end up having people around being nasty to you. I play for fun not to be scolded

So it doesn't matter how old you are

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it would be better if there was some sort of grading system on games where you had to get through one section to get onto the next.
that way everybody would have a chance. A bit like most games where the further you get into the game the harder it gets.

it would not have to be compulsory it could be given as a option.
just an idea; maybe it would be to expensive to incorparate into the game.