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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who Else does Not enjoy online gaming?

I just thought I would see is there many like me who do not really enjoy the online gaming experience.

   I have tried many games online but each time I do play, it is just too difficult.I know some may say that is because you are no good and I would not disagree; but I do have limited time for gaming.

 I also wonder is it an age thing, as when I do play online it appears the players are much younger than I am. I am in my 40s.

 Another aspect of this is the offline games getting shorter in favour of online play. When I first got into gaming, it would take me anything up to 3 weeks to finish a game I now am lucky if I get even 2 weeks out of it. 

 It would be interesting to see the breakdown in age groups of those into online and those not. If I was to hazard a guess I would say the under 35s would be more into online than over 35s. 





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I just love listening to some nerdy american kid spouting trash talk before sticking a grenade up his arse on COD4

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Well I've never been able to really get into online gaming. I don't like games that also trade away the single player experience for the online multii-player experience. And I'm 25.

largedarryl said:
Well I've never been able to really get into online gaming. I don't like games that also trade away the single player experience for the online multii-player experience. And I'm 25.

that was my toughts i enjoy when i get an hour free just chilling out at my own leisure.

to me the online can be very hectic.





reask said:
largedarryl said:
Well I've never been able to really get into online gaming. I don't like games that also trade away the single player experience for the online multii-player experience. And I'm 25.

that was my toughts i enjoy when i get an hour free just chilling out at my own leisure.

to me the online can be very hectic.

 Exactly my thoughts. +1

Currently loving my Wii x2, Xbox 360 Pro & Xbox 360 Arcade, and Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Limited "Cloud Black" 160GB PS3






Around the Network

Trading away the single-player experience seems to be the trend ... some people even feel single-player gaming is dead.

I like the occasional foray into on-line. But I like it anonymously and silently. In other words, Mario Kart II has been much more fun than Burnout 3 on Xbox Live.

Mike from Morgantown

Age 44.4 


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


if online adds to the game, i love it.

but this idea that if a game does not have online then it is bound for failure it insane. not every game needs online.

games have budgets and time restraints, and it seems that many developers are quicker to cut single-player modes before cutting online, and the games suffer for it



edit: oh, and i am 23 

Games I am looking forward to:

PC: Diablo III, Fallout III, Stacraft 2, Spore, Empire: Total War, American McGee's Grimm

360: Madden 09, Fable 2, Left 4 Dead, Blood Bowl

“Go ask [Blizzard president] Rob Pardo if PC gaming is dead – if he can take the time out from making money hats, I’m sure he’ll give you a really eloquent explanation of why probably the most valuable entertainment franchise of the moment is PC-specific.” - Gabe Newell

I'm 33, and I really enjoy online play. I even really enjoy playing the ones I suck at. I actually try to avoid online games a bit though, because they suck up so much of my time, that I can't get to the dozen other games I have queued up to play.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

I enjoy playing games online, but that doesn't mean I don't like my singleplayer games. I also don't believe that nearly every game ought to have some form of multiplayer, but we do run into problems where the amount of lasting appeal in singleplayer games is rather small (Heavenly Sword for example).

thank goodness some people agree with me i was starting to think if you did;nt like online you were missing something.
i do have live gold and gladly pay for it as the demos give you a good feel for games that interest me.