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I just thought I would see is there many like me who do not really enjoy the online gaming experience.

   I have tried many games online but each time I do play, it is just too difficult.I know some may say that is because you are no good and I would not disagree; but I do have limited time for gaming.

 I also wonder is it an age thing, as when I do play online it appears the players are much younger than I am. I am in my 40s.

 Another aspect of this is the offline games getting shorter in favour of online play. When I first got into gaming, it would take me anything up to 3 weeks to finish a game I now am lucky if I get even 2 weeks out of it. 

 It would be interesting to see the breakdown in age groups of those into online and those not. If I was to hazard a guess I would say the under 35s would be more into online than over 35s.