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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon sells out of MGS4 80GB PS3 in 5 minutes! -- T3H Domination Begins??


It does have BC.....check the page on

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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TheBigFatJ said:
DMeisterJ said:
Yeah, the bundle was taken down. Hence why it's not on the bestsellers list.

wouldn't it sell less than the standalone game?

who here actually saw the bundle on Amazon?  If it had sales earlier today, it could still be in the best sellers list.  Amazon usually just says out of stock -- I've never seen them remove something like this.

Chill it TBFJ

I don't want logic in this thread.  I'd much like to believe there is a conspiracy against MGS4 and the PS3 at large, no one wants it's success and Amazon had 500k units of the system.

here ya go...

it says so in the description


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

here ya go...

it says so in the description


A person is trying to sellit at $900. I have a penny I will sell for a million dollars. What price people are paying for it actually matters. If no one is buying the product for that price, then it is a meaningless number. There is little to no chance that a $500 system bundled with a $60 game that is not in short supply yet will go for that much. If there was some evidence that the game would be extremely rare, or the PS3 sold out for a long time I would believe it. This is some idiot trying to make a quick buck.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Another article I found.

Rumor: Amazon Hit With Denial-of-Service Attack, Again was taken down by a distributed denial-of-service attack that struck the Web site's load-balancing system, according to a rumor that's begun circulating among security professionals.

According to a security professional who said he'd been in contact with one of Amazon's business-continuity executives, the DDoS attack bypassed AWS services like Amazon's S3, striking directly at the heart of Amazon's business. It's unclear how Amazon fought off the attack, which struck roughly at 10:20 AM, according to reports.

According to the rumor, the load balancing fleet at Amazon is supposedly rated to handle a 'Black Friday" or "Cyber Tuesday" load, or the peak traffic the company should expect all year. The security professional suspected that Amazon had increased that traffic estimated by about 20 percent versus last year, meaning that the massive amount of connections had to be made to bring the site completely offline. remained online.

Supposedly some ISPs are suffering slower service thanks to the botnet attack, but which are unknown at the moment.

Eight years ago a DDoS attack took down, as well as and some others.

Incidentally, an outside representative for Amazon said that she doubts that the company will comment at the moment. 


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Gnizmo said:
DMeisterJ said:

Yeah, sure.

As soon as the MGS4 bundle goes on sale, a DNS attack.

That's about as likely as the moon colliding with earth, while a F5 tornado, Hurricane, and Jesus coming back in the same split second of eternity.

Yes, it is extremely unlikely for someone who enjoys annoying people on the internet to do an attack at the exact moment it could potentially annoy tens of thousands of people on the internet. I am not saying it happened, but it is extremely easy to believe. It would even make it a lot easier since you essentially have tens of thousands of zombies working for you undetectably.

Do you have any experience with targetted attacks?  The most probable cause for a big attack like that would be monetary motivated.  Consider the level of risk.  Most good blackhats are financially motivated these days, and they sure as hell aren't gonna waste their botnets or exploits on "Let's stop people from buying MGS4 on Amazon, LOL" tactics.  It's completey incredible -- and while script kiddiez might risk long term jail sentences toward something like that, they're less likely to have that kind of power and much less common than professional black hats.

darthdevidem01 said:

 No one sold one yet, d00d.

SlumsofOhio said:
FishyJoe said:
Please stop jumping to conclusions as to what caused amazon to go down. The evidence is pointing to a dns attacker.

Let me post the comments section to that link:

"your "update" with conjecture that it's DNS based is really, really uninformed.

try your "whois" test with or ... it's the same thing.

your awareness of how the version of the "whois" command operates is the only thing that's been compromised."

another comment:

"So, what does "whois" give you? And why would you say those results indicate Amazon's DNS entry was hacked??"

and the last comment:

It's responding with a web server error message -- the DNS didn't get hacked... it resolves just fine if you ping it.

You can also access the Amazon website through HTTPS -->

lol i was reading that amd was trying to figgure out what joe was talking bout....

Sorry pal, but its not like a Metal Gear Solid game is gonna change console wars...
Maybe pull out PS3 from his awfull present (in NA and Japan) , but not much more than that.
The game is gonna perform similar to the previous 3 ones, wich sold really well (specially MGS2), wich is good, but I dont understand the "PS3 savior statement"...I really dont.
The only game that could maybe have a major impact in long term sales, would be FF13, but, then again, just maybe.

Wii60+DS owner

Long Time Nintendo loyalist

darthdevidem01 said:

here ya go...

it says so in the description


And it's at number 1 on the best seller list!!!

 So it is definitely true. It should shut up all the doubters...

PSN ID: T_Gears

End of 2009 ltd sales:

Wii = 67-68m

X360 = 38-39m

PS3 = 34-35m

Prediction: The PS3 will surpass the 360 on weekly sales after it drops to $299 on all regular weeks (no big releases).