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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Kirby Falco? *NSFE*

Not Safe For Ears?

Are you kidding me? This is one of the greatest pieces of musical art I have ever witnessed.

I've had the video bookmarked on youtube for a long time now. The Original SSB holds a really dear place in my heart.

And now I was just reminded of this. Who else was lucky enough to actually see this on TV when it was airing? I knew nothing of SSB but bought it solely because this commercial kicked so much ass:



Around the Network

I still think somebody should remix the Mario Kart Wii commercials to that song. Fountain of Dreams is my favorite Kirby song thanks to Smash Bros.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.


I saw that commercial. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it, it was EXACTLY what everyone wanted; Nintendo characters beating the hell out of eachother so you and your friends could FINALLY settle which character was the best :p

Man, I'll never forget the feeling when I first saw that commercial.

By life end:

  • Wii- 100 million+
  • Xbox360- 35~40 million
  • PS3- 30 million
  • PSP- 30~32 million ------------- FAILURE
  • NDS- 85~90 million (Skeptical)  - FAILURE
  • NDS- 100 million+ (Optimistic) -- Success!