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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The official "I'm buying Civilization Revolution" Thread of Strategy

mrstickball said:
Aj_habfan said:
I tried for about 15 minutes, confusing and not fun.

Too bad. Civ is one of the funnest games in the universe. There is nothing like starting an intercontinental war, and duking it out with tactical air, sea, and land battles, ending (or beginning) in the strategic nuclear bombing of every major city of your opponent (or if your caught off guard without SETI, your cities).

Are extraterrestrials going to stop their missiles?


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I tried it some more and there is really some amazing depth to this game. However, there's been very few turn based strategy games that have really interested me, and this is no exception.

Definitely worth checking out for Civ / turn based RPG fans.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

mrstickball said:
Aj_habfan said:
I tried for about 15 minutes, confusing and not fun.

Too bad. Civ is one of the funnest games in the universe. There is nothing like starting an intercontinental war, and duking it out with tactical air, sea, and land battles, ending (or beginning) in the strategic nuclear bombing of every major city of your opponent (or if your caught off guard without SETI, your cities).

I'll say. Civ 2 i'd play every day for like a couple years.

I used to love playing the benevolant nation that when pissed off would retaliate.

It's fairly simple if you take it slow too... now you want a hard and confusing game. Try Super Power 2. It's almost impossible to get land through war without half the world declaring war on you.

If only the UN was that reactive in real life.

It's always fun seeing what happens when Lebanon invades Israel.  Which is the most likely war to happen, and amazingly the game released years before the Lebanon War.

Second most likely is Pakistan V India, followed by other middle eastern countries and Israel.

It's good fun.  The US invades Lebanon, other middle eastern countries invade Israel, American declares war on Iran, China declares war on the US.... the EU declares war on China.... etc.

I liked to play the united arab emirates and just watch and see what happens. 

mrstickball said:
Zucas said:
Well I'll let the creators decide that. Otherwise I would love to see what can be doen with that game with the Wiimote. There's a lot of things peole said the Wiimote couldn't do and well proved wrong so many times over.

Really this is not my genre, which is really why I'm not interested in it at all, but the Wiimote might make it fun. I only might get the 360 version when its really cheap to appease one of my friends who's a junkie with this series.


I wouldn't hold your breath about CivRev on Wii, and the belief that the WiiMote could make CivRev better.

The issue with CivRev (both blessing and curse) is the fact that the game isn't based around the idea of "oh, lets make Civilization, but a UI for Consoles". It's "Let's make a civ game with console-style requirements of fast gameplay". And a Wii version cannot avoid those kinds of things.

I am sure the UI would be fine on CivRev, but the fact is...UI has never made the core game mechanics of Civ any better, or worse. Because of this, I don't think that Wii controls would be very intuitive, and allow for a much better, or more robust version of a console-side Civ game.

Case & Point: Civilization for SNES. Great game (still play it on Emu once in awhile, rather than get my SNES out). Sluggish controls. However, the neat thing was that Civ on SNES allowed you to use the Mario Paint mouse for your controller if you wanted to use it. Guess what? It really didn't help the game play as much as you'd think it could of. The game was built around SNES UI, not SNES + Mouse UI. And it created a problem. In CivRev's case, it's a faster-paced Civ. Something that a WiiMote (in my opinion) is really not going to make any better.

IMO, a Civ game on the Wii would need a real treatment fully developed for the Wii in mind. I think, if Fraxis/Infrogrames ever did that, you'd have one of the best simulation games ever made. But if it's CivRev + tacked on Wii controls...Your just wasting your time waiting for the game on the Wii, if it ever comes.

Well I'll wait and see.  But I don't play PC games(sorry guys) and I'll only buy the 360 one to shut one of my friends up.  Either way this is not one of my favorite genres and I'm only looking to see if a Wii version comes(which is unlikely) will it make me like the genre and invest in it.  Otherwise I won't invest in this game cause it's not my kind of game.  

It's a hit or miss situation for me.  I'm not saying the Wii version is the savior of the genre, or that version is coming, or that it will even be good if made.  All I'm saying is that in its current way, aside from the PC version, it doesn't interest me.  Only if it makes me interested with a Wii version will I even invest in it other than a 360 version to shut a friend up.

Kasz216 said:
Squilliam said:
Zucas said:
Only if the Wii version comes, which is up for grabs right now. Otherwise would really have no use for it. Might get the 360 version if a Wii version never comes for a cheap price later on.


Its not a game that would show great improvement with a Wiimote, it may actually play better with just a standard controller. You'd be better off with the 360 I would say, just because the Wii doesn't have the CPU power nor the ram so they'd have to cut it down even further and I wonder if at all you'd want to play that game.

I say this because I played CIV 1 with just a keyboard and since then I hardly touch the mouse at all.

 I completely disagree.  However that's probably because I've played Civs 2-4 almost exculsivly with the mouse.

Civ 1 i played with an SNES pad. 


Cycle active units, Cycle cities, open up your advisors, etc. The only time I really use the mouse is to take a lookie around or fiddle with settings. Otherwise its all shortcuts baby, and it goes much faster too. If you want to play online you have to learn to play quickly.


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Entroper said:
The more you play this game, the more the gameplay and UI changes grow on you. Except for the performance issues, I'm really liking this demo.
 I agree 100%, I was iffy about buying it, but after playing the demo, I think I definitely will, though not on day 1. Hopefully they fix some of the performance issues like FPS. Also I wish they would've supported KB+M for the PS3 version... 


Aj_habfan said:
I tried for about 15 minutes, confusing and not fun.

 In the first 30 minutes it is quite confusing, but afer that you get the hang of it and the game is fun if you like strategy video games like Advance Wars or Field Commander or board games like Risk and stuff.


If you never liked those games then Civ is not for you. 

*~Onna76~* said:
I've just played the PS3 demo a bit, is it just me or is the game insane boring. I love the art-style though.
 How long did you play it for? It is confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty good. Again you MUST enjoy strategy games because after all it is one.


Civ4 is the only Mac game I own, so I don´t really care for a console version (or for the fact that this game is postponed or even cancelled for Wii).

But I care very much for the DS version. A portable Civ is a dream come true, I just read the 1st review (88%) and what I saw so far strongly reminds me of the old, familiar Civ1 feeling. I can´t wait to buy the (imo) best, the DS version of CivRev on day 1 (which is sometime in early July - haven´t seen a confirmed date yet).

Sorry for the double post guys, but Sid - if you read this - haven´t you realized yet that the DS would be the perfect system for your notorious Pirates!, as well?