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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Microsoft Needs a Kick in the Pants (and Why I hope MGS4 does it)

An optimistic view of MGS4 week for PS3 will be 300k HW and 1.75m SW for Worldwide. Am I allowed to coin the 'Crazzyman' view for anything above this based on his previous epic post of 1m HW?

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Lolz...Epic Indeed!  I think that were probably looking at 400,000 worldwide and a continuim of around that number for the next 4 weeks...

Check us out at the Vindication Gamer Network on Youtube. 

colonelstubbs said:
Madyson5 said:
colonelstubbs said:
Madyson5 said:
colonelstubbs said:
Madyson5 said:
Heh, MGS4 will do nothing of the sort.

This was perfect thread until...this silly response

Ok, lets think about this for a second if GTA IV couldn't do it why in the world would MGS4. Like I said, nothing of the sort. I have 2 PS3s in my house btw although I did cancel my pre-order for MGS4 and will pick up on the cheap later this year.

If GTA4 couldnt do what?

 First of all, GTA4 was released on BOTH consoles, meaning it would affect the sales of both consoles. And, unless your blond, you will have noticed the sales bump for the PS3 was FAR greater than what the 360 got.

 Secondly, MGS4 is a PS3 EXCLUSIVE, so the only sales bump (and believe me there will be one) will be attributed solely to the PS3.

Shall i draw it in crayons for you?

What are you even talking about in the US there was no bump if you could even call one according to NPD. The only other hard numbers we have is from Chart Track and that showed that the 360 actually got a bigger bump in the last 5 weeks than the PS3 shall I qoute that for ya? Sorry I do not follow VGC numbers as they are not solid like NPD and Chart Track. Of course any meager bump that PS3 gets for the month should be attirbuted to MGS4, but it will do nothing of the sort in changing the dynamic of MS's plans a for a price cut.


Ah yes, i forgot the US is the only gaming market that matters. How silly of me.

I will come into this arguement that I think VGC's numbers are quite off the mark to. Here in the UK we have a Gaming channel on Sky called Pulse. On that they stated that this year the 360 in the UK has sold 18% more hardware than PS3 up to the beginning of June. VGC's numbers are nothing like that. It makes me wonder how far out VGC is on Others for the 360.

obieslut said:
colonelstubbs said:
obieslut said:
colonelstubbs said:
obieslut said:
I am sorry but you can not compare NG2 with MGS4, thats just clitching on straws clutching at straws to be honest.

Pluss you are not taking into account that the new sku's are comeing out at the same time as MGS4, just looking at how the ps3 sales have dipped in NA shoud let you know how many people are waiting for the 80gb ps3.

Pluss guess what, you need to buy MGS4 to get is aswell lol

Minor fix required

HAHA i am so dumb lol. its because i was talking in italian to me mom whilst typing this up. i was not really paying to much attention

I have to ask...why were you talking in italian to your mum?

because me mum is like 1/8 Jamaican and 7/8 italian. So i talk in italian to me mom sometimes.

I dont have any English in me at all. but i was born in England  


Woooo im 1/8 italian! High five!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

MS have dropped the price of the console too many times already, cheaper doesnt automatically mean a more attractive product. If the machine gets a price drop every 6 months or so, people start holding off making a purchase expecting it to happen.

They need to sort out the bugs in the hardware, I know plenty of people are either sick to death of returning their machine to MS or have just sold up and bought a PS3.

They also need more attractive games to people who dont want to kill foreigners all day in a brown world.

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I wish as well MS its ass would be kicked very hard, but that because of a dozen of other reasons. So I hope Snake will kick off first

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

I really dont see there being a huge boost for the ps3 with mgs4 when it hits. My reason for this really doesnt have anything to do with how good mgs4 will be or the 80gig coming back it has everything to do with the fact that most family and non family people really dont have the money to spend 499 on a gaming system or 399 plus 60(mgs4). There have been a few walmart stores in my district where the 100$ gift card with a purches of ps3 started on june 1 and will carry on through till the 14(the blue ray player sale that everyone knows about that is run with all walmarts 8-14). We are now 6 days into the sale and we have seen a bump in sales but not huge and the reason being is people just dont have the money to put down on the ps3 or for that matter the 360 no matter how good the deal. Many people on websites like this look at sales through the eyes of people who love video games not through the eyes of people who might play now and again. I have seen it loads on here with people making huge claims when big games come out or hyped games and not really thinking things through. I think its mostly they think that there love of this great pass time eveyone has but thats not the case 9 out of 10 times they let there excitment get the better of them. Anyway just my 2cents.

Microsoft have got the kick in the pants from the wii. Thats why they're focusing on profitability, The generation is essentially a tie between the 360 and the ps3 with both consoles selling comparably (yet a lot less then the market leader) with almost all HD games going multi-platform between the two.

Bodhesatva said:
famousringo said:
MS and Sony have both realized that subsidizing gamers isn't giving them the userbase they require to pay off in the long run. They're buckling down and trying to recover what they've already sunk into this generation while making plans for the next big battle.

Small price cuts down the road which keep the hardware profitable are on the menu. Big price cuts are not because they simply won't stimulate enough demand to justify the cost.

Yes. I considered giving you a celebratory ban because I agree with this so much, but for some reason others don't seem to like get banned as a reward for intelligent comments. 

 It reminds me of the time I vomited all over a girl to tell her how much I loved her. 

 It didn't work because doing it that way is messy and most girls don't like mess. Had you waited until you were french kissing her it would have been a lot less messy.

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


*~Onna76~* said:
I wish as well MS its ass would be kicked very hard, but that because of a dozen of other reasons. So I hope Snake will kick off first


I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot