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I really dont see there being a huge boost for the ps3 with mgs4 when it hits. My reason for this really doesnt have anything to do with how good mgs4 will be or the 80gig coming back it has everything to do with the fact that most family and non family people really dont have the money to spend 499 on a gaming system or 399 plus 60(mgs4). There have been a few walmart stores in my district where the 100$ gift card with a purches of ps3 started on june 1 and will carry on through till the 14(the blue ray player sale that everyone knows about that is run with all walmarts 8-14). We are now 6 days into the sale and we have seen a bump in sales but not huge and the reason being is people just dont have the money to put down on the ps3 or for that matter the 360 no matter how good the deal. Many people on websites like this look at sales through the eyes of people who love video games not through the eyes of people who might play now and again. I have seen it loads on here with people making huge claims when big games come out or hyped games and not really thinking things through. I think its mostly they think that there love of this great pass time eveyone has but thats not the case 9 out of 10 times they let there excitment get the better of them. Anyway just my 2cents.