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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Microsoft Needs a Kick in the Pants (and Why I hope MGS4 does it)

I could see a 1mil boost in hardware for the month, but would be very surprised if it did it for the week.

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^ Talking about NPD when will we see May's NPD..?

MGS4 will lift PS3 sales for one NPD month, then in July go back to similar levels we have now. Thus, no need for the X360 to respond.

What's far more interesting regarding a X360 price drop is the increased sales in Europe due to the price drop over there. If we're to believe VGC data, the increased sales are very impressive more than 2 months after the price drop took effect.

MGS4 will have nothing to do with it, but I believe we'll see a $50-70 X360 price drop in late summer because of the nice effect in the US last summer and this spring in Europe.

konnichiwaa said:
^ Talking about NPD when will we see May's NPD..?

have you just copied konnichiwa's name but...added an extra 'a'?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

CrazzyMan said:
Who knows, maybe there are not so much people which are going to buy MGS4 and ps3, just like HW sales during GTA4 release were kinda dissapointing.

But, let`s stay optimistic, and hope that over 500k PS3s will be sold WW during MGS4 launch week.
1 mln. would be EPIC though. =))

p.s. NPD data will come onlt by July, but actually thnx to UK data it will be possible to see how PS3 is doing, at this case UK and USA market are having enough similar sales pattern. =)

 I think that's a bit overly optimistic considering it would mean an increase of more than 200%.  Sorry, but I just don't see it happening.  Not even close.

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I'm not surprised at all, we're talking about a company ruled by a fat and sweaty bloke that sometimes manages to be so greedy and dumb that he wanted to cut benefits and possibly wages too to his employees. People that give to their company a productivity, at least in terms of money, amongst the highest on the planet. He'd be glad to kill the golden goose to save birdseed, should we wonder if he doesn't want to cut prices?

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

i think most 360 owners don't care about MGS 4. Most of us are fine with COD4, GTA IV, GeOW, Halo 3, etc. We got enough shooters as it is. PS3 does not have many good shooters and that is why MGS 4 is so hyped.


I am sorry but you can not compare NG2 with MGS4, thats just clitching on straws to be honest.

Pluss you are not taking into account that the new sku's are comeing out at the same time as MGS4, just looking at how the ps3 sales have dipped in NA shoud let you know how many people are waiting for the 80gb ps3.

Pluss guess what, you need to buy MGS4 to get is aswell lol

obieslut said:
I am sorry but you can not compare NG2 with MGS4, thats just clitching on straws clutching at straws to be honest.

Pluss you are not taking into account that the new sku's are comeing out at the same time as MGS4, just looking at how the ps3 sales have dipped in NA shoud let you know how many people are waiting for the 80gb ps3.

Pluss guess what, you need to buy MGS4 to get is aswell lol

Minor fix required

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
obieslut said:
I am sorry but you can not compare NG2 with MGS4, thats just clitching on straws clutching at straws to be honest.

Pluss you are not taking into account that the new sku's are comeing out at the same time as MGS4, just looking at how the ps3 sales have dipped in NA shoud let you know how many people are waiting for the 80gb ps3.

Pluss guess what, you need to buy MGS4 to get is aswell lol

Minor fix required

 HAHA i am so dumb lol. its because i was talking in italian to me mom whilst typing this up. i was not really paying to much attention