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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Duke Nukem Forever ingame footage!

Its starting at 4min18 in the show on the following link

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Have fun ya'll

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We've only seen in-game footage in 1998 and 2001, as far as I know, so that would make this the third video with in game footage from DNF.

Broussard confirmed it's real and that it's from a few months ago.

It is actually looking pretty good! Then again they have had 10years to work on the game so if it is anything short of beautiful then they will have failed!

This just on the PC or is it for the HD consoles too?

i hope it does come out, though duke nukem has always been offensive. Holy hell they'd have to go insanely far to top all that has been done in GTA.

Looks pretty boring. It's just a few seconds of footage, so whatever. Just put the damn game out and stop talking about it is what I wish they'd do ;)


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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sigh ...1997-2008 and the game still not released :( you can only wait so long.

And people complain about the Killzone/Home delays.

Looks terrible. I would love a more cartoonish (no, not kiddy), less gritty art style. This just looks like any random Unreal Engine 3 game.

don't worry everyone i am sure we will play this on ps9

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

I wonder if he is still chewing bubble gum.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.