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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubisoft quote : The casual audience wants better games

I don't think Ubisoft will ever comprehend what "upstreaming" is.

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More demanding in that they're not interested in knock-offs of already established quality titles aimed at their demographics?

In the thread “ How much use each console gets” posted by sc94597

The table shows slightly less use by the average Wii owner by it certainly doesn't support the dismissive one or two games a year, or even any reasonable defintion of "casual" nor does the attach  rate.

Is it reasonable to say
I have three friends who play video games; Joe X Bocks is a serious hard core gamer because he uses his console 2.2 times a day, next door Sam P Essthree is also a real hardcore because he plays 2.12 times a day, but Timothy Wii only plays 2.07 times a day so he’s a completly  casual gamer???


It's weird how some companies are actually getting more stupid as time goes. Ubi started as the strongest third party supporter of the Wii with Red Steel and Raving Rabbids, but they've haven't released anything more than a second Rabbids game in ages. Capcom hit gold with a port of RE4, Umbrella Chronicles, and Zack&Wiki, but now they're going "we don't think Wii owners want SF4".

@ parokki :
*Sigh* and life goes on.. :(
btw nice avatar