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Forums - Sony Discussion - When this proves GameStop managers need to use the net more

I was in my former place of employment, GS, when I talked w/ one my ex managers about the PS3 MGS4 bundles.  U know it just isn't right when he defends comments like "the 80GB bundle is silver" and the opposite for the 40GB to the last word.  Also. he stated that the 40GB was being pulled.  The net is your friend.

PS: the advert box for the black 80GB version was directly across from him in the middle of the store.


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Yeah, I asked my local gamestop if they were going to do midnight release for MGS4, he said no... then went on to say that there won't be a single gamestop in the nation that will because "MGS doesn't sell enough". This is AFTER Gamestop released the MGS4 midnight release listings.

I had a weird discussion with a Gamestop employee about MGS4 and its use of the Dualshock vibration, I was looking forward to how I heard it was implemented. He then proceeded to tell me how he can't understand why MGS4 is the first game to require the Dualshock to play it....I just kinda nodded my head and assumed he was wrong.
